Tributes to Dr GRK Murti

Prof. S.G.S Murthy
MVSR Engineering College

Dear Sri Ravi Gutala,

                I am deeply saddened on hearing the news of demise of your father Dr. G.R.K. Murti who was my revered teacher, mentor and guide for over a decade. I thought it necessary to express myself and write this eulogy in honor of my Professor. It’s an humble attempt to share those experiences with him which I would treasure for the rest of my life.

                Dr. GRK was my teacher during my student days in College of Engineering OU and was also Head of the Department of CED during his stint at MVSR Engineering College (1987-1994). His lectures are still etched in my memory even after 3 decades. He was pleasantly taciturn in his disposition during my college days I do not recollect a single instance wherein he either missed his lecture or rendered it for a shorter duration. The joy and contentment thereon of having given a meaningful lecture always writ large on his ever smiling face. Invariably his lectures would strictly conform to the course content, interspersed with a few anecdotes intended to break the monotony. His lectures are still benchmarks for me which I find it difficult to attain.
                Discipline of a high order coupled with punctuality were hallmarks of his personality. Utmost regard for rules/systems, non-discriminatory attitude in dealing with all made him a role model. Those were days when computers were not in vogue and he was predominantly writing with hand with an underlying carbon paper for purposes of record. On an occasion he was sharing with me that he had personally typed his entire PhD Thesis during his stint at Cleveland USA.    

                Dr. GRK was a man with simple habits and no trace of ostentatious behavior.   His unfaltering sense of duty coupled with detachment towards outcomes was notable. He used to exude positivity and tendencies like   depression, stress, etc., were never ever in evidence. It was his belief that laws of destiny would inevitably prevail and also spoke of the imperative need for dispassionate action. Had an unflinching faith in the fact that right would eventually triumph over. Very guarded in his choice of words and was extremely moderate in articulating criticism. I had perceived an incredible amount of restraint in his speech which was always backed by an internalized conviction that moderation was the best way of interaction. He appreciated inherent limitations in all individuals as intrinsic to the very human existence and as such needed to be dealt sympathetically. I had many occasions to study his response when he differed with the rest. A Stoic silence but loud enough to communicate his intent greeted us all on such occasions. His love for music and eternal quest for knowledge made him formally study even in the post superannuation period in life. I realized he was deeply spiritual and the internal connect with Almighty was palpable.    

                Dr. GRK had instituted a Gold Medal for a bright student in Civil Engineering discipline in this college which would be his legacy for a very long time. I deem it my honor to have been associated with your father and this obituary is a testimony to the fact he had impacted my life in a substantial way. He had gifted me with a dozen books written by him about 2 years back (when he last visited India) which are his fond remembrances with me. I still use his work table with lot of pride in discharge of my responsibilities in this Institution. Constraints in time inhibit me from sharing many more memories, connected with your father. In his demise, the world has lost a great human being and it’s very difficult to find a replacement. I will miss him forever..….

With Best Regards

Prof. S.G.S Murthy
MVSR Engineering College            

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