Sunday, April 24, 2011



" In the most troublous times, what keeps you going
and instils fresh energy and enthusiasm, is
nothing but implicit Faith in the Divine "
 (Spring Leaves   by   KMG )

Faith is a very potent force.  A perennial fountain of hope and courage. It imparts strength and fortitude  in facing life's problems. And when we say 'Faith', it is not referring to blind faith devoid of reason, but a positive and dynamic attitude, a mental tune up, as a pillar of support. In this connection, there can be no better revelation than Geeta itself, in Lord's  own Words:

                 " Do all thou dost for Me !  renounce for Me !
                  Sacrifice heart and mind and will to Me !
                  Live in faith of Me !  In faith of Me,
                  All dangers thou shalt vanquish by My grace "       (18 -  57,58)
                " - - - Whereso any doeth all his deeds
                 Renouncing self for Me, full of Me,  fixed
                 To serve only the Highest,  night and day
                 Musing on Me ---  him will I swiftly lift
                 Forth from life's ocean of distress and death -- "   ( 12 - 6,7 )
                " - - -   Faith, yea,  a little Faith --
                 Shall save thee  from the anguish of thy dread. "     (  2 - 40 )
                " - - -  And  let go those
                 Rites and writ duties !  Fly to Me alone !
                 Make Me thy single Refuge !  I will free
                 Thy soul from all its sins !  be of good cheer. "        ( 18 - 66 )

       Now, a poem of mine dealing with Faith :

                                    TEST   OF   FAITH
                 If thy Faith  doth not give thee
                 Courage in thy moments of fear,
                 If thy Faith  doth not kindle
                 Hope in thy moments of despair,
                 If thy Faith  doth not impart
                 Strength in thy moments of weakness,
                 If thy Faith tempers thee not with wisdom,
                 In moments demanding judgement or decision,
                 If thy Faith  inspires not love in thee
                 When thou overcome with hatred or jealousy,
                 If thy faith  doth not light up 
                 Thy path  in moments of utter darkness,
                 If thy Faith doth not shield thee
                 Against the cruel arrows of misfortune,
                 Then alas,  thy Faith is shallow.
                  Pray Him  for deeper Faith " 

      Well, that's  something regarding the  Elixir of Faith in the  Supreme Power, the Divine Principle that is Omnipresent,    Omniscient  and  Omnipotent !

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