Saturday, April 23, 2011

ShoadaSa Hita-VaakyaavaLi


This time herewith are some of my musings in a format entitled " ShoadaSa  Hita-VaakyaavaLi (SHV)", some thoughts on life in general, some 'food for thought'  for you, to ponder over and reflect upon:         
1.  The rose tree has both lovely flowers as well as prickly thorns. If your eyes are on the flowers, you experience serenity and happiness. If your looks are on the thorns, you will feel distress and repulsion. So also with the world which has both good things and bad.         
2.  World is a place where often things do not happen the way you wish, and people do not think, speak, act, and behave the way you expect them to do.          
3.  The best way to transmit to youngsters ethics, morality, discipline and good conduct is, by conforming to the principle of gravity. They should percolate down from the elders.         
4.  People are remembered not so much by how much they had earned and enjoyed in their life, but by what they have done for others, and, what they left behind of permanent value.         
5.  Expect not that the world is just exclusively cut out for YOU, to suit YOUR needs, and to fulfil YOUR desires!  Remember, you are just one among the myriad units that are in the universe.         
 6.  Life is a continuous process of learning and improvement. It is never too late to learn or to improve.         
7.  One has to play the game of cards with only the cards on hand.  So too in life, one has to live with the constraints imposed by Destiny.  Hence, play the game, live your life  as best as you CAN, and as BEST as possible.         
8.  Life is a delicate art which, if properly and diligently cultivated, is conducive to serene happiness.  The art of life consists in how best we get on with others, whoever they be, and, how best we can adjust ourselves, in whatever circumstances we are placed by our Destiny !          
9.  Misunderstandings and misapprehensions in humans, are as natural as waves to the sea. The only thing is, they better be as momentary and superficial as those waves !         
10. Begin the day with a clean slate of mind. Let not the recollections of yesterday's arguments and frictions, misunderstandings and mishaps, become the pin-pricks of today, and spoil the mood ! Brush such thoughts aside. Go ahead with a positive attitude, sincerely doing whatever you have to do. Let it be the ' Best Today' that you ever had !  Good luck, go ahead !          
11. To wish for no problems, pulls and pressures in life, is like wishing for no traffic whatsoever on the road, while you are driving your vehicle !         
12. If we deeply ponder, we will realize that all our beloved possessions, human and material, however dear and indispensible they seem to be, would in course of time, as years roll by, slowly and steadily, as per Divine Dispensation, bid us goodbye and fade away into a dream as it were !         
13. It is not uncommon that people often blame God for all their sorrows or mishaps in life. It is like putting the blame on gas (petrol) for an auto mishap !  The fuel merely supplies energy. So also, the Supreme Consciousness (Paramaatma) merely imparts 'Sakti', the motivating energy, It Itself remaining a Witness. The causes and effects are not derived from, and not belong to That.         
14. We often complain that the other person does not like things we like, or, likes things that we dislike. But, where is it written that the other person should just like and dislike things that we like and dislike? Tastes differ, and, likes and dislikes differ. Know that the world is big enuf to have place for all.            
15. In a way, life is an examination for us in this world that is veritably a huge examination hall. Our job is only to answer the Question-Paper set by, in our case, our Destiny, or 'Praarabdha' or whatever one calls it. Let us answer to the best of our ability, and leave it to the Higher Powers to value it. What is left for us is, only to take the result gracefully !         
16. Lament not ever brooding over what could or should have been done years back in your life. It is a sheer futile exercise. The coordinates of time and circumstances that decide the way things are done, are different at different times, and do not merit comparison between the past and present !Instead, look forward (not backward).  Know that life is a Divine Play. Try to idenify the supreme objective of your life, a worthy Ideal, and persevere in achieving it.

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