Sunday, July 10, 2011

Human Potentialities

 Brahmaanandam Parama Sukhadam Kevalam Gnyaanamoorthim
 Dwandwaatheetham Gaganasadrusam Tatwamasyaadi Lakshyam
 Ekam, Nithyam, Vimalamachalam Sarwadhee Saakshibhootam
 Bhaavaatheetham Trigunarahitham Sadhgurum Namaami
 ( My salutations to the Sadhguru (benign Preceptor) who is the repository of profound bliss, giver of supreme happiness, the very embodiment of knowledge and wisdom, one immune to the pairs of opposites (sorrow and joy, heat and cold etc), one who is all-pervasive like sky, one who is the implied meaning of 'That thou art', the One without a second, Eternal, Ever-pure, Imperturbable, the Eternal Witness of all intellects, one who is beyond thought, and free from all attributes (trigunas of satwan, rajas and tamas).
 Hello everyone! Sukravaaram greetings !
 (At the outset I apologise for the delay in sending this for reasons beyond my control, as I am presently out of state, on a week's visit to relatives and friends)
 There are many schools of thought, many beliefs, and many theories and enunciations regarding life, its activities and experiences. Some believe that all humans are born sinners to be subsequently redeemed thru faith and Divine mercy. Some believe that humans are shackled by fate, mere puppets in its hands, without much scope for self-effort. Others believe in Angels and Spirits who seem to control their lives, and hence have to be appropriately and periodically propitiated. Often, the helplessness and incapacity, the weakness and vulnerability of humans, as mere tools in the hands of some Super-Power, are stressed upon, and suitable remedies suggested.

 The Indian scriptures do not subscribe to the above views. They do not view the born human as a sinner. they believe that every human is a speck of the Divine (nay, Divinity Itself!) but going thru cycles of birth and death, as a consequence of one's own actions and vaasanaas, one's own commissions and omissions, using or mis-using the intellect bestowed upon the individual. There is nothing that humans cannot achieve. Their capabilities and potentialities are unlimited. They are the masters of their own destinies. They make or mar their lives by their own actions. They themselves are answerable to their actions, and have to bear the consequences. Fate is a self-created bondage bondage, not God-created. They themselves are the cause of their destiny. With astrong and resolute Will, with unswerving faith in themselves, with steadfastness and dedication, they can march on the path of knowledge and wisdom, and achieve their cherished objective. No God will come in their way to thwart their goals, or their spiritual progress towards realisation of Truth, nor will take their sins on Himself. Listen to what Lord Krishna declares in Bhagawad Geetha:

 ---This world's Lord makes neither work, nor passion for work, nor lust for fruit of work; the man's own self pushes to these! The Master of this world takes on Himself the good or evil deeds of no man dwelling beyond !  Mankind errs here by folly, darkening knowledge --------
 Now a poem from my book 'Random Musings'
 Let not the world of environments cow you down and
 make a slave of thee. Oh ye ! Ever aspire for such a pleasure
 which is beyond pleasure and pain, such a happiness
 which is above joy and sorrow, such a state of existence
 which surpasses life and death. That is Bliss indeed !
 Next some of my musings from the book 'Pearls of Wisdom' :
 The thrill and challenge of an adventure is truly experienced only when
 you try to do something which others normally would shrink to attempt !
 * * *
 Life is a time-span between two terminals -- the start and the finish.
 An optimist looks at the former, and exults how far he has traversed from it.
 On the other hand, a pessimist looks at the other end, and laments
 how fast he is approaching it !
 * * *
 The greatest fault an individual commits is: to often find fault with others.
 * * *
 Conversational topics, and often even one's thoughts, normally cluster around :
 beings, things, or events ---- of past, present or future. But, what lies
 beyond these, is what is worth contemplating upon, atleast once a while.

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