Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Introductory Message & Musings on Life


Hello ! I am Krishna. M. Gutala (dad of Ravi Gutala, Sarala and Indira) sending this e-mail. A desire arose in me to encroach on ur time for a while, and convey to u some of my writings on a variety of topics (hopefully  interesting ! ) thru the media of poetry and prose periodically ( shall we designate it as Friday Calling or Fri-Call ! ). I wish to include one poem, as also a few lines (food for thought, on a specific topic) from my book 'Random Musings' ; or later could be some other material from any of my other books. Now let me begin with:


Lo, how secure and free the child feels
Holding on to its parent's finger,
Talking and laughing, jumping while walking;
Happily it strolls with carefree leisure
Looking hither and thither, all that attracts -
The beauty of the sky and the birds that fly;
Never missing the path, nor running a risk,
As long as the finger-grip is tight.
So may thou be in thy walk of life,
With its crossings and cross roads, pits and perils,
Never losing thy way, ever feeling secure -
If only thou hold on to Him thy Father !


LIFE: Life is an eternal struggle. When one problem ceases , another appears;
when one hope is fulfilled, another sprouts up.
* * *
Life is a continuous process of learning and improvement;
it is never too late to learn or improve.
* * *
Think good, do good, be good.
That's how thy life be should.
* * *
To hope and wish there be no problems in life, is like wishing
no other traffic on the road, while driving your vehicle.
* * *
Misunderstandings and misapprehensions in humans are as natural
as waves to the sea. Only thing is, they better be
as momentary and superficial as the waves !
* * *

No two people in this world are made of the same mold.
Perfect temperamental fit between any two is a myth.
To expect the other person to think, talk, act and behave
as YOU wish, is a fundamental misconcept.
Realising this, if the needed tolerance, compromise and forgiveness
are developed in human relationships, life would indeed be
more easy-going and pleasant.

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