Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life Cycle


The topic of today is 'Life Cycle'. There is an ancient enunciation in our Sastra-sre Life, from origin till the end:   

" Asthi,  Jaayathay,  Vardhathay,  Viparanamathay,  Apaksheeyathay,
   Vinasyatheethi  Shadvikaarath,    Aythath  Sthoola Sareeraha " 

 Meaning: " The six changes (in life) that take place, and are inherent in every gross body, the physical frame of any living being, are: 'Takes seed and exists in the embryo, takes birth, gradually grows,  undergoes change, begins decaying, and perishes '. 
And, what next after life ends ?  Sree Adi Sankara spells out :
  " Punarabhi Jananam   Punarabhi Maranam      Punarabhi Jananee Jattharay Sayanam
     Iha Samsaaray  Bahu Dukkhaaray      Krupayaa  Paaray  Paahi Muraaray "
Meaning:  'Again birth,  again death.  And yet again lie asleep in mother's  womb ....
                This worldly ocean of existence involves much sorrow.  Oh Muraaray!
                with mercy, protect and enable me to cross over ... '
This is an endless cycle, an ever-turning wheel. Now a poem of mine in this connection:
                        THE   WHEEL   OF    TIME
                 The wheel of time shall turn  and turn
                 The babe in womb doth toss and turn ;
                 Through umbilical cord its growth sustaining --
                  Lo, the marvel in the fluid bag, life blooming.
                  The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
                  The tiny toddler doth fall and turn
                  Up on his feet again with steps faltering,
                  Giggling to his mom aught in childish babbling.
                  The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
                  The midnight lamps shall burn and burn;
                  Lo, the student facing many a test,
                  Trying to put forth  all  that is best.
                  The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
                  The youthful heart shall throb and yearn
                  With Cupid's darts bruised and bleeding,
                  Seeking solace in lover's arms embracing.
                  The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
                  The wrinklled face  reminds life's sojourn,
                  With age, and energy steadily withering,
                  And the charms of life  slowly ebbing. 
                  The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
                  The corpse on the pyre shall burn and burn;
                  What was once with life so sparkling -
                  Unto the five primal elements now diffusing.

      And so the wheel of time  keeps on turning and turning and turning - - - -  -

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