Friday, July 8, 2011

What is World?


" Expect not that the world is just exclusively cut out for YOU, to suit YOUR needs, and to fulfill YOUR desires. Remember, you are just ONE among  the MYRIAD units that constitute this Universe ".  
'Spring  Leaves'    by   KMG.

        Hello to you all !                                      Somvaar  Suprabhaath !

        Today  the topic is the world itself !


. . . . .  The world is what  YOU  think it  is.
. . . . .  It is a mere projection of  YOUR mind.
. . . . .  The same world is different to different people. 
. . . . .  To most, it affords an opportunity to make wealth.
. . . . .  For some, just a venue for deriving pleasure, for some by fair means, and for some even foul.
. .  . . . For some,  it is an arena for display of skills and talent, in areas like music, arts, sports, or whatever field it be. 
. . . . .  For some others, it is a frightful phantasmagoria, as of a horrific dream.
. .  . . . For some, it is a fertile field for exploitation and profit.
. . . . .  For victims of vices, and addicts, it affords vast scope for quenching their insatiable thirsts.
. . . . .  For the 'asuric' (demonic) and fanatical minds, it provides 'kill' for their sadistic pursuits and activities, leading to loss of life, destruction and despair.
. .  . . . For some, it is an incoherent creation by  a quixotic God !
. . . . .  For some however, it gives scope for acquisition of knowledge and quest for Truth.
. . . . .  For some others, of a scientific bent of mind, it provides a vast field for understanding Nature, and for scientific research, leading to  discoveries  and  inventions, as also for technological progress.
. .  . . . For some, of a noble and generous temperament, it is a vast arena  for rendering social service, charity and benevolence, in the belief that service to living beings, is indeed service to God.
. . . . .  For the mystic and  vedantist however, it is a sheer illusion, and a mere make-believe.  For them, the world is not real.  It is a mere outward expression and an illusory manifestation of the Supreme Divine Agency.

           Now, listen to what  Saint Kabir  sings:  

                 " Duniyaa kyaa hai,  ek tamaashaa,
                   Chaar dinoanki  jhootee  aashaa;
                   Pulmeh  toalaa,  pulmeh  maasaa,
                   Chaar taraazoo leke haath mein
                   Toal  saketho  toal !
                   Baba,  mun ki aankhen  khoal,
                             mun ki aankhen  khoal ! "

          (  Meaning:     What is world ?   A 'tamaashaa' ( a magic).  A mere four days of false hope !  This moment  a 'toala', and the next moment a 'maasaa' 
                               (measures of gold's weights, large and small).  Weigh, if you can, holding even  four balances in your hands !   Oh ye, open the  eyes
                               of your mind,  open the eyes of your mind !  )

                   So,  what is world ?

No single  answer. 

. . . . . . . . . .      It is a heaven.
. . .  . . . . . . .     It is a hell.
. . . . . . . . . . .    It is neither a heaven, nor a hell,  but an oscillation between the two !
. . . . . . . . . . .    May be,  it is a  Pandora's  Box.
. . .  . .  . . . . .    May be,  a  conjuror's  fantasy.
. . .  .  . . .  .  .    Nay,  it is a  black-box !

. . .  . . .  . . . .    It is  what  YOU  make out of it.
. . . . . . . . . . .    It is  what  YOU  imagine it to be.
. .  . ..  . . . . .     It is  how   YOU  take it.

. . . . . .  . . . .     It is - - -  - -   we don't know  what !

                Whatever it be,
                it is ever  staring  at  YOU.

                As though   demanding  an   ANSWER  !

                                              THINK    IT   OVER  !

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