Sunday, April 24, 2011


08/31/10 ; 09/06/10

" The best way to transmit to youngsters  ethics, morality, discipline and  good conduct is, by conforming to the principle of gravity. They should percolate down from the elders "
" We often complain that the other person does not like things we like,  or likes things that we dislike. But, where is it written that the other person should just like and dislike things that we like and dislike ?   Tastes differ, and likes and dislikes differ.  Know that the world is big enuf  to have place for all" 
 ( Spring Leaves  by  KMG )      
With this dispatch, Somvaar Sandesh hits a score of three-quarter century !Not a bad score any way !  But still, we have to look ahead. On this special occasion, I feel like jumping into a phantom rocket, zoom thru time in the reverse direction, and peep into the glorious past of ancient India, and spot the legendary luminaries that shone  in those times with dazzling lustre. Ancient India was a diamond mine, a treasure-house of celebrities. Apart from ancient Sages and Seers, there thrived great thinkers, great intellectuals, even great scientists ... a galaxy of them ... astronomers, mathematicians, physicians and surgeons, as also those in fine arts, including dance.  Renowned names like  Sushrutha, Charaka, Bhaskara, Arya Bhata, Varaha Mihira, and others.  More recently, there were Srinivasa Rama-nujam, Jagdish Chandra Bose, C.V. Raman, Har Govind Khurana etc. And then, from Kalidasa to Rabindranath Tagore, a long list of immortal poets.        
Well, for today I would like to convey a very brief life-sketch of the great physician, who became famous, six centuries before the Christian era.  Not merely a physician, but a noted surgeon as well, even in those distant times. The great Sushrutha.        
 " Sushrutha is known as an eminent surgeon of ancient India. He practised surgery and medicine in Varanasi, in the Gurukala of Divodas Dhanvantari. Sushrutha emerged out as a great surgeon, as well as in all the branches of medicine. He was the first to recommend Caesarean surgical incision to facilitate births. He was an expert in removing urinary stones. Also in locating and treating bone fractures as well as removing cataracts in the eyes.  Sushrutha is also known to have pioneered plastic surgeory and rhinoplasty.        
"Sushrutha Samhitha" is the famous and widely accepted book on surgery. In this book, Sushrutha had detailed about 101 surgical instruments. He had mentioned in his work  simpler, common and easier ways of maintaining good health. His 'Samhitha' is a treasure-book of the medical information that is referred to even today. It is a matter of pride to Indians to know that Sushrutha has suggested ways and means by which many diseases can be controlled and cured, even without surgery. He was also a Naturalist with keen insight into the world of animals and plants. Accordingly, he could enlist the norms one has to pursue during the different seasons of the year, for a healthy and disease-free life. Also he has enlisted the different types of vegetables and fruits one has to consume in different seasons, and also a note on the efficacies of these, as also the types of pulses and cereals one has to use. He has also mentioned the effects of water, the different types of contageous diseases and their treatment, as also the different uses of various metals like silver, gold and coppper ".    
 'Sushrutha Samhitha' has become the medical encyclopaedia and a treasure even during the present days.  As such, the book has been translated into Latin, French, English and even Arabic languages, under the name ' Kithab-E-Sushrud'.  Sushrutha is also known as Father of Medical Sciences.  He was also the best Tutor in medicine. According to him, ' a person who is not only learned in the theoretical medicines, but also in the practical applications of the same, would be  deemed the best and a successful doctor'. He advocated this medical philosophy to his students. We know Sushrutha thru his work of 'Sushrutha Samhita', but nothing is known to us about his personal life.        
Sushrutha suggested the following Rules to be observed for a healthy living :        
1.  Young and old, youth and pregnant women have to get up early in the morning for a healthy life.         2.  The first thing they have to do is to defacate themselves in a place meant  for the said purpose.          3.  All must practise Pranayama in the morning.        
4.  Next, the body must be annointed with perfumed oil and bathed. Soapnut  powder or any herbal powder must be used for removal of the oil.        
 5.  Loose and neatly washed clothes must be worn afterwards.       
6.  The morning meal must be very light. One must not eat food at odd hours. If it is felt that the food previously taken is not till then fully digested,  it should not be further fed with another meal.        
7.  It is necessary that the mouth must be gorgled with clean water to taste the  food.  Also, after each meal, the mouth has to be gorgled with water at least  three times.  After consumption of beverages, it is good to gorgle the mouth.  This would enable to keep the mouth odourless. Failure to observe these Rules  would make one develop tooth-cavities, tooth-ache, bleeding gums, sore-mouth, pus-formations  along the crevices of the teeth and gums etc.  They are all the  fact caused by the infected saliva present in the mouth.        
 8.  Re-warmed food, over-baked food, stale food and burnt-food,  must be  avoided, as the intake of such foods would endanger one's intestines ".                                            
( Source:  As given in previous week )        
Well, that's for today. Let us pay heed to what this ancient doctor counselled !

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