Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wheel & Musings on World


One of the most fascinating and significant words in our vocabulary, is the word 'Wheel'. From the hoary past to the present day, it merits an important status. From the legendary Vishnu-Chakra to the ever-turning Kaala Chakra (Wheel of Time), from the ritualistic Sree-Chakra to the modern yaantrika (machinery) Chakra, and then, the cycles of birth and death, cycles of growth and decay, cycles of boom and recessiion, and, the hydrological cycle, the meteorological cycle, and what not ! The more we can adjust and reconcile to these cyclic phenomena, the better it is for our peace of mind and happiness.
Let us begin with the life-cycle: the 'Wheel of Time', and then pass on to some thoughts on our abode the World, from my books 'Random Musings' and 'Pearls of Wisdom' :


The wheel of time shall turn and turn
The babe in womb doth toss and turn;
Thru umbilical cord its growth sustaining;
Lo, the marvel in the fluid bag, life blooming !

The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
The tiny toddler doth fall and turn,
Up on his feet again, with steps faltering,
Giggling to his mom aught in childish babbling.

The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
The midnight lamps shall burn and burn
Lo, the student facing many a test,
Tryingt to put forth all that's best.

The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
The youthful heart shall throb and yearn
With Cupid's darts bruised and bleeding,
Seeking solace in lover's arms embracing.

The wheel of time shall turn and turn -
The wrinkled face reminds life's sojourn,
With age and energy steadily withering
And the charms of life slowly ebbing.

Thw wheel of time shall turn and turn
The corpse on the pyre shall burn and burn;
What was once with life so sparkling,
Unto the five primal elements now diffusing.

Musings: WORLD

Expect not that the world is just exclusively cut out for YOU to suit YOUR needs and fulfill YOUR desires. Remember, you are just one among the myriad units that constitute this universe !
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World is a place where things do not often happen the way you wish, and, people do not speak, act or behave the way you expect them to do.
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To serve its rightful purpose, money, like blood in a living body, should be in circulation.
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The world today is suffering from a surplus of intelligence, but a deficit of Wisdom.
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In this world, people are remembered not so much by how much they have earned or enjoyed in their life-time, but by what they did for others, and what they left of permanent value.
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The vices in the world, if YOU do not go towards them, THEY would not come towards you.
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The best book in this world, is the World itself.
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The rose tree has both lovely flowers, as well as prickly thorns. If your eyes are on the flowers, you experience serenity and happiness. If your looks are on the thorns, you feel distress and repulsion.
So also with the world, which has both good things and bad.

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