Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Variety is the Spice of Life - Part 1


  Variety in topics is desirable. It is said 'Variety is the spice of life'!  Provides good diversion.  Let us today have some  Quiz, some 'food for thought', or 'exercise for the mind' to seek the  solutions !  Of course, some would be quite easy. Even children could try this.   So let us go ahead: 

 1.  When Sasank went to his uncle's house, his uncle introduced Sasank to a lady saying that 'her mother-in-law's mother is  Sasank's mother-in-law'. What is that lady to Sasank ? 

 2.  A visitor to one's house saw a number of children (brothers and sisters) playing. he asked them "How many brothers and sisters  you are?"  The boy said" I have sisters and brothers of same number". The girl said " I have brothers twice the numbers  of sisters".   How many brothers and sisters were there in all ? 

3.  There are  some flowers in a lake. On each flower if two butterflies were to come and perch, one flower is left. On the other hand, if on each flower, one butterfly only were to perch,  then, one butterfly would remain (without a flower). How many were the butterflies and flowers ? 

4.   What is the  maximum number of alphabets in English that remain the same even if inverted?  What are they ? 

5.  Name a South Indian language that is a 'polyndrome' (same when read left to right, or, right to left) ? 

 6.  There is wide river and a big boat (barge) to cross the river. Once a Circus Manager had to cross the river along with a tiger, a goat, and a bundle of hay. In his presence, the tiger would not harm the goat, nor the goat eat the grass. But without him, those could happen.  The problem was, the barge was not big enuf to take all together. He could go along with just one of the three. There was none else to help, nor any tree and rope ! How did he manage to cross the river along with those three ?  

7.  What is the speciality of the number  2519 ?  

8.  297 x 18 .   If you multiply and write the result, there is something special about the equation.  What isit ? 

These were from a book by Mythili Venkateswar Rao.

Answers below:
2. 4 brothers, 3 sisters   
 3. 3 flowers, 4 butterrflies    
6. Take goat to other bank. Return and take hay to other bank. Bring
back goat. Take tiger to other bank. Return and take goat to other bank.  

7. When divided by 10, remainder is 9. when by 9 it is 8, and so on till when by 2, it is 1.  
8. 297x18=5346

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