Saturday, August 20, 2011

What God wouldn't ask & A Life that matters


  " The one colorless invisible sunlight splits into the gorgeous spectrum of widely different colors, as it traverses a transparent glass prism.  So also, the One Supreme Divinity projects Itself into the multifarious diversity, the innumerable 'names and forms, attributes and qualities', as it traverses the prism of Maaya which Itself is Its own dynamic aspect "   ' Spring  Leaves '     by  KMG 

       Hello to you all !                                                    Somvaar  Suprabhaath !

       Today is a  two-in-one  message  as  follows:


       The eight things that God would not ask :

   1.  God would not ask   what kind of car you drove.  He would ask  how many people you drove who did not have transportation.

   2.  God would not ask   the square footage (plinth area) of your house.   He would ask how many people you welcomed into your house.

   3.  God would not ask   what clothes you have in your closet.    He would ask  how many you helped to clothe.

   4.  God would not ask   what your highest salary was.    He would ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

   5.  God would not ask   what your job title was or is.    He would ask  if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

   6.  God would not ask   how many friends you have.   He would ask   how many people to whom you are a friend.

   7.  God would not ask   in what nyborhood you live.   He would ask   how you treated your nybors.

   8.  God would not ask   the color of your skin.    He would ask   about the content of your character.                   
                                                                                                                                                                  ........ Anon 

       Live a  life  that matters :

   1.  All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten,  will pass on eventually to someone else.

   2.  Your wealth, fame and temporal power  will shrivel to irrelevence.  It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

   3.  Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies,  will finally disappear.  So too your hopes, ambitions, plans and to-do lists, will expire.

   4.  The wins and losses that once seemed so important,  will fade away. It won't matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived.

   5.  It won't matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant.  Even your gender and skin-color  will be irrelevant.

        So, what will matter ?   How will the value of your days be measured ?

   6.   What will matter is   not what you got, but what you gave.

   7.   What will matter is not your success,  but your significance.

   8.   What will matter is   not what you learned,  but what you taught.

   9.   What will matter    every act of integrity, compassion, or sacrifice  that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.

   10. What will matter is   not your competence,   but your character.

   11. What will matter is   not how many people you knew,   but how many will feel a lasting loss  when you are gone.

   12. What will matter is   not YOUR memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you.

   13. What will matter is   how long you will be remembered, by whom, and for what. 

   14. Living a life that matters,   does not happen by accident.  It is not a matter of circumstance,  but of choice.

( Source:  From some old mails that I had received )


           Tail-piece : Confession  of  Aristedis ,  a Greek philosopher :

           "  I am certain of nothing.   I am not even certain  that I am certain of nothing !  " 

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