Sunday, April 24, 2011

God and I


The topic is  'I' and 'God'. 
Regarding 'I', the query is  "Who am I ?", and regarding God,  Oh God "Where are you ?"

Two of my poems from the book 'Random Musings' :

 WHO  AM  I ?                                     WHERE  THOU  ART ?

                                                              Me Lord,
      Who am I ?                                       To those that ask
      I am my name.                                  Show where Thou art,
      Nay, my name can change;                 What shall I say
      I am not a mere name !                      To make them believe ?

      I am my body.                                   Shall I say --
      Nay, my body is but a machine            Become the salt-doll
      Steered by the mind.                          That ventures to fathom
      So then, I am my mind.                      The depth of the Sea ?

      Nay, I can't be mere mind !                  From glare of the world,
      For my mind wavers;                          They enter Thy chamber,
      My intellect governs, sobers it.             Their eyes seeth darkness -
      Yeah, then I am my intellect.               They seee Thee not ! 

      Nay, I can't be mere intellect !              Like the forgetful mother 
      For, intellect is but a filament               On her anxious errand 
      That glows while current is on.            Searching for her babe 
      I can't be just a filament !                    Quiet asleep in the cradle ! 

      Then, who am I ?                              Or, like the circle, 
      Not just my name, nor body,              Searching for its Center 
      Nor mind, nor intellect --                    Frantically all around, 
      I am the very Current                         But alas, outside itself !
      That Glows thru all !         
                                                              Me Lord,
                                                              For Thee they search,
                                                              And find Thee not,
                                                              And ask, where Thou art !

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