Monday, April 4, 2011

Sathwan, Rajas and Thamas


Udhdhareth Aathma naathmaanam Aathmaanama vasaadayeth
Aathmyvaha Aathmano bandhur Aathmyva ripuraathmanaha
Bandhur Aathmaath manasthasya yena Aathmyva Aathmana jithaha
Anaathmanasthu sathruthve vartheth Aathmyva sathruvath
-- - - - Gita 6 - 5,6
( Let each man raise the self (the lower ego-centric 'false' self) by
(the higher 'Real Self'), and not trample down his self. For, Soul is
self's friend, as also self's foe. Soul is self's friend when self
rules over
itself,and, when it does not,the self becomes Soul's enemy as it were)

Hello Everyone ! Sukravaaram Suprabhaath !

The eternal scripture 'Bhagavad Geetha' is verily practical Vedantha.
It reveals in lucid terms the strengths and weaknesses, the higher elevating
and the lower debasing values, the potentialities of progress towards
realisation of Truth, as well as the temptations, perils and pitfalls that
sink one to bottomless depths. In short,the good and bad things in life of
mortals, from the positive-most desirable aspects to the negative-most
abominable aspects. Dwelling on this are given below, the role and purview
of the three basic qualities that govern human lives, as enunciated in the
fourteenth chapter of Geetha. Much of what is stated below, is from the
commentary and translation by Swami Sivananda, and sometimes from
Sir Edwin Arnold's 'Song Celestial' :

The knowledge of the three 'Gunas' (qualities): 'Sathwa', 'Rajas', and
'Thamas' (soothfastness with purity, passion with attachment,and,ignorance
with inertia) which are born of Nature, and which hold the entire universe
all creatures under their sway, is of vital importance to each and everyone
their progress and happiness in life. . . . All things created are subject
to their
(of the above qualities) influence and irresistable power. . . The highest
of the
above three qualities is Sathwa which is pure, bringing about
and illumination. The second is Rajas giving rise to passion manifested by
attachment and greed, causing sorrow and suffering. The third is the worst
all, arisen due to ignorance, and results in darkness, lethargy and delusion
. . .
The realised Sage , of course, goes beyond all these three qualities,
even Sathwa binds us if we are attached to it.

Gleanings from the verses:

Sathwic qualities and their fruits :
It attaches to happiness. It is predominant when at all the gateways of this
shines the lamp of Knowledge. When the embodied Soul meets with Death with
Sathwa predominant, it attains the spotless worlds of Knowers of the
The fruit of Sathwa is true and sweet. From Sathwa arises knowledge and

Rajasic qualities and their results :
It attaches to action. It is predominant when greed, activity with
restlessness and
longing arise. Where longing is and ardour and unrest, impulse to strive
and gain,
and avarice, these spring from Rajas. When the embodied Soul meets with
with Rajas predominant, it is born among those who are attached to action.
fruit of lusts (Rajas) is pain and toil.

Thamasic qualities and their consequences :
Shrouding knowledge,it attaches to heedlessness.It is predominant when
dullness, inertness, sloth and stupor, and delusion arise. When the embodied
dies with Thamas, it is born in the womb of the senseless. The fruit of
(Thamas) is deeper darkness.
- - - - - - - -
The Seer knows that the Gunas alone are responsible for all actions,
and he is
distinct from them.The embodied One having crossed beyond these three
out of which the body is evolved, is freed from birth, death, decay and
pain, and,
attains immortality. The marks of One who has crossed over these three Gunas
He who with equanimity surveys the lustre of goodness, the strife of
passion, and,
the sloth of ignorance, not angry if they are, not wishful if they are not;
he who
sits a sojourner and stranger in their midst, unruffled, . . he is the
surmounter of
the qualities. Alike in pleasure and pain, who dwells in the Self, to whom
a clod of
earth, stone and gold are alike, to whom the dear and the unfriendly are
alike, firm,
the same in censure and praise, the same in honor and dishonor, . . . he is
said to
have crossed the Qualities . . . He who serves Me with unswerving devotion,
crossing beyond the Qualities, attains Brahman (his True Self), the immortal
immutable, absolute Bliss !
* * * * * *
Now, one of my poems from the book 'Random Musings' :


Oh Lord of the Universe, Bliss incarnate !
Restrain and quieten my wavering mind,
So that peace and tranquility it may find;
Restrain and quieten my wavering mind !

Mind knows no rest, it is said,
Nor awhile a single path doth it tread;
It wanders hither, it wanders thither,
Lord, save the mind from all of its dither.
For everything it craves, whole world its bait!
When one wish fulfilled, quick another in wait!
Would fire be quenched with oil sprinkled ?
Oh Lord! An abode of happiness, how to build ?

A mind let loose, for progress it's no use;
Only in mind quitened, noble thoughts infuse.
Me Lord ! Bless my will to hold the reins,
So towards Deliverance my mind leans.

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