Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Yaksha Prasnas


Hearty Ugadi (Sarva dhaari) Greetings to you all, and your family members !  On this auspicious occasion, let our minds brood over the five millinea old culture and civilization of Bharat which is our legacy.  Our ancient scriptures consist of 'Sruti' and 'Smriti-s'. The former are the bedrock of our scriptural heritage, the
Veda-s and upanishad-s, whereas the later Smriti-s (like Manusmriti etc, and the Purana-s and epics, consttute the latter, in which the Maha Bhaarata stands out like a colossus. It is termed the 'Panchama Veda'. It is said that there is nothing that is not in Maha Bhaarata ! In its Aranya Parva, a situation arises wherein the brohers of Yudhishtara (Dharma Raja) fell, one after the other, unconscious, as they go to a lake
to fetch some drinking water. Finally Dharma Raja goes there in dismay, when he is confronted by a Yaksha who dares him to answer his 'prasna-s' (questions) correctly, only by which water would become available. These are the famous 'Yaksha Prasna-s' which Yudhishtara answers correctly, ad also gets his brothers back to life.

     The following are those Yaksha Prasna-s and the answers:
1. What makes the Sun shine?    Cosmic Power of Brahman
2. How can man become great?    By asceticism
3. Study of which Science makes  man wise?   Assocation with the enlightened.
4. Who rescues man in danger?    Courage
5. Who is a Brahmin?       One who dedicates his life for the welfare of all beings.
6. Who is a Kshatriya?      One who lays down life in defence of  Dharma
7. In providing sustenance, who is nobler than earth?        Mother
8. Who is higher than the Heavens?          Father
9. What is faster than wind?    Mind
10. Who is the best company of a traveller?          Learning, better than anyone else
11. Who accompanies the 'dead'?          Dharma
12. What is happiness?          Clinging to good conduct.
13. Abandoning what, man becomes universally loved?        Pride
14. Loss of what yields joy?           Anger
15. Renouncing what, man becomes rich?        Desire
16.What is the best gain?         Health
17. What is tranquility?         Contentment
18. Who creates heaven and hell?         Mind
19. What is the origin of grief?        Ignorance
20. What loss cannot be compensated?        Ill-spent time
21. What is the wonder of wonders?   Countless lives are dying constantly. Still the living man thinks he will live for ever ! 

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