Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nishkaama Karma


Vasudeva Sutam Devam Kamsa Chaanoora mardanam
Devaki paramaanandam Krishnam vande Jagad Gurum.

( Oh ye Divine, Son of Vasudeva, the destroyer of Kamsa and Chaanoora,
the Supreme Bliss of Devaki, Oh Preceptor of the world !
My salutations to Thee )

Hello everyone ! Sukravaaram Suprabhaath !

We continue the subject of the 'Path of Action' (Karma Yoga), and now come
to its core: the Principle of " Nishkaama Karma". Let it be remembered, action is
not to be abhorred, but it is the way it is done that really matters. The best
exposition of the Principle can be in the words of Lord Krishna Himself as enunciated
in the Bhagawad Geetha :
" Abstaining from attachment to the work, abstaining from rewardment in the work,
while yet one doeth it full faithfully, saying "it is right to do", that is true act and
abstinence. Who doeth duties so, unvexed if his work fails, if it succeeds unflattered,
in his own heart justified, quit of debates and doubts, his is 'true' act ---" " Find full
reward of doing right in right. Let right deeds be thy motive, not the fruit that comes
from them ". - - - - " Because, no heart that holds one right desire, treadeth the road
of loss ".
These are precious Words that form the core of "Nishkaama Karma" i.e., action
that is untainted by the desire for its fruit. Every Word in the above lines has to be
fully and properly understood to grasp the full implication of the Principle. " Abstaining
from attachment to the work - - -" does not mean not interested in it, nor not
involved in it; because the very next Statement is " - - - while yet one doeth it full
faithfully". Thus it only implies avoiding over-concern and over-attachment for, and,
total identification with the work on hand. Next, in the Principle of " abstaining from
rewardment in the work - -", there is a great psychological insight in it. While engaged
in any activity (including, say, answering a question-paper in an exam), excessive
obsession with the thought of what the result is going to be, would only lead to
anxiety-consciousness which severely affects the concentration on, and the efficiency
in the performance of the work. This is an easily verifiable fact. Simply stated :
Action is your duty; fruit is not thy concern. Only in that frame of mind, "- - unvexed
if his work fails, if it succeeds unflattered - - -" is possible, i.e., unmoved by success or
failure. " In his own heart justified, quit of debates and doubts - - " implies full self-
confidence and absence of vacillation. Come what may, one can put in the best
performance. " No heart that holds one right desire, treadeth the road of loss - - " is
the Divine assurance that right deeds shall surely yield right results.
Geetha re-emphasises : " He that acts in thought of Brahm, detaching end from
act, with act content, the world of sense can no more stain his Soul than waters mar
the enamelled lotus leaf ". A beautiful simile indeed. The pearl-like water drop freely
traverses the surface of the lotus leaf, without being touched or held by it ! Thus,
under all circumstances of all activities, one can keep one's cool, composure and
peace of mind, yet giving out one's best.
That is the beauty and efficacy of " Nishkaama Karma " !

Now, one of my poems from the book 'Random Musings' :

Aye, hark !
When thy hands to work,
Put all thine entire weight,
Put thy heart and soul
Into all that thou doeth;
Put thine entire Trust in Him,
For all that is good, and
For the fruits of thy deeds.
He will never fail thee !


Next, some musings from my book ' Pearls of Wisdom ' :

A bulb of five hundred watts glows so very bright, and one of twenty five
so very dim, though it is the same current that flows thru both. So it is with
the genius and the mediocre, or, the talented and the one not, though the
same Divinity permeates all. It is only the equipment or the qualities and
attributes, that makes all the difference.
* * *
If someone is good towards you, reciprocate it doubly.
If someone turns out to be bad towards you, just avoid the person !
* * *
Deny not to others that much individual freedom which
you yourself would so much cherish to have.
* *
Extraordinary things can happen under extraordinary circumstances, and,
abnormal situations lead to abnormal behaviour patterns.

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