Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blessing of the Divine


Just as the three C-s for speech:  Be  Concise  Clear  Correct,   here are the  five  D-s for good life:  Determination, Dedication, Devotion, Discrimination, Discipline.
Well, I am back from India, after about five months of hectic and exciting time. Big circle of relatives and friends. Innumerable social functions --  weddings, upanayanams, grihapravesams etc.  And then, cultural events, Annual celebrations, and what not. Exhilarating experience. Time flew fast. Now, back to routine.     
At the outset, my heartfelt Greetings to you all, and your families, on the happy occasion of Ugadi, the regional New Year Day today. That too a Monday, well timed for an auspicious re-start of Somvaar Sandesh, after a long break. Thus would commence the third and final series of these Monday messages.     
Let us begin in a prayerful mood. Offering our humble Salutations to the Lord Almighty, seeking Divine Blessings for a peaceful, prosperous and blissful year ahead. Let us be surcharged with the Universal Divine Energy that would impel us to perform our tasks with utmost strength and vigor.  Now some elaboration on this.     
Every creative activity in this world, in whatever field it be, is a blessing of the Divine. It is an expression of the Dynamic Energy-Aspect (Sakti) of the Potential State of the Immutable, Eternal, Omnipresent Supreme Being.  Whether it be the ancient Rishi-s or the Seers and Saints of India, whether it is Confucius or Laotse, Aristotle or Plato, whether Kautilya or Kalidasa, whether it be Michaelangalo or Da Vinci, Beethoven or Mozart, whether Shakespeare or Tolstoi, or, Ravi Varma, Tagore or Raman, or whether it be Edison or Einstein - - - - all these luminaries, have superbly excelled in their respective fields, by exercise of their intellectual or aesthetic skills, perseverance and creative abilities. But, know that they could achieve what they did only with the spark of that Divine Energy, the Substratum and Sustainer of the Universe.  Just as, innumerable may be the automobiles of various models, shapes, colors, facilities and gadgets,  but, they are all futile without the basic propellent --the gas, which is after all the gift of Nature, i.e., Divinity so to say. It is the Divine Will that operates thru the various outlets. We should ever be seeking the blessings of that 'Divya Sakti', the Dynamic aspect of that Supreme Principle.     
That's for today.  Wishing you all a very pleasant week ahead
                                - - - - - -  *  - - - - - -PS: 
Another significance of today is that it is the Birthday of one of the greatestsingers of the first half of the last century, Kundan Lal Saigal. His birthday was unique: 04-04-04.  He was a charismatic figure and the most popular singer of those times, in the Hindi film music. There was no concept of playback in those times, and the singer had to act. His great films like Street-Singer, Devdas, Omar Khayyam, Tansen, Surdas, Shah Jahan and My Sister, to name a few, drew mammoth crowds. After his premature demise in 1947, a film entitled 'Saigal ki Amar Kahani'was produced.  May be, I would present glimpses of his illustrious life  in some future  Somvaar Sandesh-s.

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