Sunday, April 24, 2011

Somvaar Sandesh Shashti Poorthi


" The wise person precisely knows
what to speak, when to speak, and how to speak,
as  also what to do, when to do, and how to do."
(Spring Leaves    by    KMG)
This is the Shashti-Poorthi (Sixteeth) dispatch of Somvaar Sandesh. Instead of dwelling on some specific topic, I wish to include this time, some quotations andmusings, covering various aspects. That many number of these, would indeed be too large. Hence, propose to give half that number. Again, among these, half that number would be quotations of celebrities, and, the remaining, some of  my musings. Hope they would all be interesting !       
(A)  Quotations of Celebrities :
      1.  If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,
          it cannot save the few who are rich.             (John  F.  Kennedy)
      2.  Happiness keeps you sweet.  Trials keep you strong.
          Sorrow keeps you human.   Failure keeps you humble.
          Success keeps you glowing.  But, only God keeps you going !   (Arthur Ashe)
3.  The seven social sins : (i) Politics without principles (ii) Wealth without work
          (iii) Commerce without morality.   (iv) Education without character
          (v) Pleasure without conscience    (vi)  Science without humanity
          (vii)  Worship without sacrifice.                    ( M.K. Gandhi )
      4.  Yesterday is history.  Tomorrow is mystery.  Today is a gift. 
          That is why they call it the 'present' !        ( Eleanor Roosevelt )
      5.  There are two kinds of lives:  One is the life of values, and,
          the other, is the life of valuables !              ( Swami Ramdas )
      6. One should always know:  Desire as storm,  greed as whirlpool,
          pride as precipice,  attachment as avalanche, egoism as volcano.  ( Anon )
      7.  Vedanta does not raise the dead. But makes men dead to the world of
          ignorance. Vedanta does not give light to blind eyes. But blinds man
          to the world of ephemeral objects and things.    ( Swami Chinmaya )
      8.  Ten evils to be got rid of:
          Three of body :  Adultery,  stealing,  killing
          Four of tongue :  Lying,  abusing,  slandering,  gossiping
          Three of mind  :  Desire,  envy,  hate.          ( Gautama Buddha )
      9.  As a splendid palace, deserted by its inmates, looks like a ruin,
          so does a man without character, all his material belongings
          notwithstanding.                      ( M. K.  Gandhi )
      10. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
                                                        ( Will Duront )
      11. You will know what divine love is, when you begin to feel
          your oneness with every human being, not before.
                                                       ( Paramahamsa Yogananda ) 
      12. You are what your deep driving desire is.
           As your desire is,   so is your will.
           As your will is,  so is your deed.
           As your deed is, so is your destiny.     ( Brihadaranyaka Upanishad )
      13. We are all born with a divine fire in us.  Our efforts should be to give
           wings to this fire, and, fill the world with the glow of its goodness.
                                                                   ( APJ  Abdul Kalam )
      14. What you have, is His gift to you. What you do with what you have,
           is your gift to Him.                            ( Swami  Chinmaya )
      15. Transfer your attention from failure to success,
           from worry to calmness, from mental wanderings to concentration,
           from restlessness to peace, and, from peace to the divine bliss within.
                                                              ( Paramahamsa  Yogananda )
(B)  Some of my musings :
      1.  What you think to be right, may perhaps be right.  But, to think that what YOU think ALONE to be ever RIGHT, is  NOT right !       
2.  In the game of snakes and ladders, if there were to be only ladders,  and no snakes at all, what sort of game would it be ?  So would indeed life be.      
3.  However dissimilar the two sides of a coin be, they both together constitute the coin. So also are husband and wife,   who together constitute the coin of life !      
4.  The greatest fault an individual commits is,   to often find fault with others.      
5.  The water in the swimming pool, provides quiet pleasure to the swimmer  who effortlessly floats on his back.   But, the same water arouses  ghastly fear in one who knows not how to swim.  So is the Ocean oif Life. Source of dread and anxiety to the ignorant and un-initiated, and not to the  wise one who has realized the Truth.      
6.  Life involves a continual process of compromises and adjustments with, people around, and, with environment. One who is not capable of, or, is not prepared for that, alas, distances oneself from peace and hapiness.      
7.  Let your individual ego, the little chip of ice, formed by the chill of ignorance, be melted away by the warmth of knowledge and wisdom, and, dissolve back into the Pool of Universal Consciousness.      
8.  It is unfortunate in this world that  goodness is sometimes misconstrued  for weakness, cheapness, or even foolishness !     
9.  Be not like the slender blade of grass, that swings hither and thither, with every whiff of the sightest breeze.  Be like the imperturbable  mountain, that stands still and steadfast, braving even the mightiest  of the winds and storms !      
10. If you try to save money by not properly paying for good work,  you will later waste more money, for repairing the bad work !      
11. Life is an eternal struggle. When one problem ceases,  another appears. When one hope is fulfilled, another sprouts up !      
12. One must be:  Gentle without being docile,  firm without being fanatical,   bold without being reckless,    compromising without being subservient,   humble without being slavish,   dignified without being boastful,  and,    self-respecting  without being  egoistic.  
13. Ever aspire for such a state of happiness   which is independent of, and unconditioned by,   external circumstances and influences.      
 14. Engineers may at most build dams.  But, who fills the reservoirs ?   Alas, Man boasts of 'conquering' Nature !      
15. Universe is like a coconut. If only one can pull put the thick fiber of   ILLUSION (Maaya) that is enveloping it densely, and, break the hard   shell of IGNORANCE,   then,   one can regale the sweet NECTAR of WISDOM that is concealed within, and taste the delicious kernel  of supreme  BLISS.         
Well, this dispatch, I know, has become long. But, being special, I hope you have put up with it !

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