Thursday, March 31, 2011

'I' , 'My' and 'Me' in Geetha


---- He who shall draw, as the wise tortoise draws
its four feet safe under its shield,
his five frail senses back under the Spirit's buckler
from the world which else assails them,
such an one ---- hath wisdom's mark !
---- That man alone is wise who keeps the mastery of himself.

- Bhagawad Geetha.

Some thoughts on one aspect of the Treasure among Indian scriptures, the Bhagawad
Geetha. In its seven hundred slokas in the eighteen chapters, very often we come across
the pronouns "I", "My", and "Me" in the dialogues by Sri Krishna. For example, "Do all thou
dost for Me, renounce for Me,------ In faith of Me, all dangers thou shall vanquish by My
Grace----". Again, "Be certain none can perish trusting Me". In conclusion, "Let go those
rites and writ duties. Fly to Me alone. Make Me thy single refuge ---". One may feel inclined
to believe that the Pronouns naturally refer to Krishna, son of Vasudeva, the Divine Charioteer
in the battlefield. Do they really and merely refer to a Personal God, One with name and form
and qualities, a Divine Figure amidst and separate from the mortals around ?
In Geetha, the quintessence of all Upanishads, and the crown-jewel of the Advaithic
(Monistic) philosophy, any individual ego, even if Divine, sounds out of place. In the elaboration
of the One without a second, there cannot be scope for "Me" and "You". Thus the whole
thing is allegorical. The "I" and "You" are not merely Krishna and Arjuna. The "I" is the Every
Thing that includes you, me, everybody and everything. The "I" is not the human Figure
Krishna, but symbolically the very Universal Consciousness, Omnipresent and Omnipotent,
not merely the Core of everything in the universe, but Everything Itself ! This is implied in
the statement: " Whoso discerneth Me in all, and all in Me, I never let him go ---" Again in the
eleventh chapter, the "Viswaroopa Sandarsanam" reveals the Total Manifestation of the
Unmanifest, the One merely appearing as an infinite many. That is what is implied in the
Divine Pronouns " I ", " My " and " Me ".

Next a poem of mine from " Random Musings " :


Oh Ye, Flutist of Brindavan !
When with Thy Mercy I am blessed,
What lack of happiness can there be !
When Thy Music Divine fills my heart,
For what other melodies should I long !

Let Providence dispense what it pleaseth.
Let sorrow and joy play hide- and- seek.
Let a thousand tongues say what they fancy.
In Thy thoughts ever Me Lord !
I seek comfort and peace.

From Truth and righteousness those who swerve not,
Tranquility and bliss shall leave them never.
So sayeth Thy Song Celestial, I forget not.
Righteousness is my path, and Thou my polestar
Oh Ye Flutist of Brindavan, lead me to Thee.


Now some musings from "Random Musings" :

As long as you seek to derive pleasure from something or someone,
be sure, that you cannot always be so sure about it !
* * *
For a child, eveything in this world is a plaything, just as for God !
* * *
For a problem in mathematics, when solution is not direct, a parameter
like 'X' is assumed, and process gone through. Finally on verge of
solution, 'X' disappears. So also, when one cannot comprehend
Supreme Reality directly (Nirgunopasana), one assumes a parameter like
'X' (Sagunopasana), which however finally disappears.
* * *
The best way to transmit to youngsters ethics, morality, discipline
and good conduct, is thru the principle of gravity.
It should percolate down from the elders.
* * *
The desirable three 'C's of speech :
Be Concise, Clear and Correct.
* *
Whatever be the sweets one took, remember, one bitter fruit taken at
the end, shall alas, leave a bitter taste. So also in human relations,
a single bad deed or an unkind word, just washes off all the good done
before, leaving behind only bitterness and strife !
* * *
Praise yourself, and deny others any chance to do so !
* * *
If you try to save money by not properly paying for good work,
you will later waste more money for repairing bad work !

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