Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sri Satya Sai Baba Sookthis


" Shift your awareness from the experience to the Experiencer.
All experiences are on the circumference; they keep on changing.
The unchanging Experiencer is at the Centre. Again and again,
come back to the Experiencer". - Sri Sri  Ravishankar.
      Sri. Satya Sai Baba has been in the news for over a week, being laid up
with an acute health condition in the ICU of the Hospital at Puttaparthi.
We pray to the Almighty for his early recovery.  Here are some Sookthi-s
of  Sri. Satya Sai Baba :

    1.  Character is the precious gift of education.
    2.  Do not pray for task equal to your power.
         Pray for power equal to the task.
    3.  Living with God is true education.
         Living for God  is true devotion.
         Living in God  is true spirituality.
    4.  Be what you profess to be.
         Speak what you intend to do.
         Utter what you have experienced.
         No more, no less.
    5.  The end of Wisdom is  freedom,
         culture is perfection, knowledge is love,
         education is character.
    6.  Have constructive thoughts, consoling words,
        and do compassionate acts.
    7.  Let Love be your form,
         Truth be your breath,
         Bliss be your food, and
         let your life be your message.
    8.  Man's heart is the Temple Divine.
        Don't inflame it with ideas of mine and thine.
    9.  Every religion is a Lamp that illumines
         the path of Truth.
    10. Have faith in the brotherhood of man,
          and the Fatherhood of God.
    11. Control of speech is the
          best ornament and armament.
    12. Having faith in ourselves, and faith in God,
          is the secret of greatness.
    13. Your true nature is  Eternal Truth,
          Divine Consciousness, and Everlasting Bliss.
          You are in the Light. The Light is in you.
          You are the Light.
    14. It is only in the depth of Silence, that the
          Voice of God  can be heard.
    15. The heart with compassion
          is the Temple of God.
    16. Love lives by giving and forgiving;
         self lives by getting and forgetting.
    17. Devotion towards God, compassion towards
         living beings, and enthusiasm for service ---
         these must you develop.
    18. Silence is the first step towards  saadhana.
    19. Attachment and hatred towards fellow beings,
         but, devotion and humility, looking at Eeswara --
         this is not an integrated spiritual life.
    20. Let thy thoughts be ever oriented towards Eeswara, but
          let thy hands be ever extending towards service.
    21. The miser sees not God, wherever he may search,
         while, the philanthropist sees Him everywhere.
    22. Vanity is the seed  sown into a rock;
          humility is a seed planted in the soil.
    23. The quintessence of all elixirs, is elixir of kindness.
          The dharma of all religions, is purity of mind.
          The end of all saadhana-s  is the edifice of Peace.
    24. Education without character, Science without humaneness,
          Commerce without morality, Wealth without charitability,
          and, politics without ethics  -----
          these are of utmost harm to society.
    25. Various may be religions, but the path is one.
         Different types may be cloths, but the material (cotton) is one.
         Ornaments may be many, but the source (gold) is one.
         Of various colors may be cows, but milk os one.
         Living beings may be many, but the Indweller is One.
         Manifestations may be a myriad, but Divinity is One.
         Kinds and colors of flowers may be many, but worship is one.

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