
Krishna Murti Gutala hails from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, and was born on 25th April 1928. He had his education in Hyderabad, and had a brilliant academic career. He was the Topper in his Matric public exam, and was awarded the Gokhale Scholarship for college studies. He secured his Science degree from Nizam College,  Hyderabad, and was the Topper. He was the recipient of the State Scholarship for higher studies abroad, and secured admission in the prestigious  MIT of  USA, but unfortunately was not sent due to some medical problem. (Interestingly, over five decades later, he had an opportunity of going to MIT, and even to distribute prizes to young prize-winners in some competitions !).  However,  he obtained his graduate degree in Civil Engineering later  from the Osmania Engineering College, securing two Gold Medals.  He then joined the Faculty  of  Civil Engg in the same College. He then had his postgraduate degree in Struct Engg from IIT Bombay.  Later he secured the  UNESCO Fellowship award, and pursued studies in the Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, and took his Doctorate degree in Struct Engg.

      After return from USA, he continued his faculty position in the Civil Engg Dept of Osmania university, holding responsible positions. In late nineteen seventies, he went as a Visiting Professor to Basrah University in Iraq for three years. After return from there, a few years later, he was made the first Convener of the Common Engg Entrance Examination in A.P. He was instrumental in changing the name of the said examination to  EMCET, the addition of 'M' in the name being due to merger of the Medical Entrance test with that of Engineering, during his time. The name continued ever since. After about thirty years of  ssociation with the Osmania Engg College, he retired. He then went over to Matrusri Engg College (a private one) for 7 years. 

      Dr. Krishna Murti was an active member of the Institution of Engineers (India), Hyderabad, delivering many technical talks, and contributing articles. His innumerable Technical Papers (numbering over twenty) were published in the Institution and other Journals and Souvenirs, including International. His Doctoral Thesis entitled " Cost-Oriented Mix Proportioning" of concrete, using computerized Optimization techniques, the first comprehensive computer program in that field, was of immediate practical use not only in USA but in other countries as well.

      Krishna Murti Gutala  has been cultivating various hobbies at different times. He had interest in Fine Arts, and has drawn many portraits in black-and-white (chalk-work). He has been interested in Philately, and has been collecting stamps over four decades from the various countries he visited, and has a large collection of them. He took to photography in late (nineteen) sixtees, and has a large collection of  color-slides of places he visited. Later, with advent of Camcorder, he has a good colllection of video tapes. He has been actively interested in tourism, and had the good fortune of visiting not only many places in India, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, but also other countries including  Russia, UK, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and Singapore, apart from many places in USA where he has been residing. Regarding his other hobbies, he was and is interested in music, but was not fortunate to have had any classical training under a preceptor. Yet, since college days, he has been singing and playing a few instruments by intuition. He had composed and set to music over two dozen songs in Hindi, including Bhajans. He has a studio-recording of these, with appro-priate orchestra.  Also, he collected his random recorded tapes of vocal and instrumental music over the years, and brought out a ten-CD set entitled 'Sapta Swara'.

      Krishna Gutala was devoted to religious and vedantic literature from early years. He has been publishing books since many years, begining with 'Glimpses of Life in USA', and then 'Random Musings' (with over thirty two poems in English, mostly devotional). He published over the years nine books, including 'Pearls of Wisdom', 'This-n-That', 'Wisdom Capsule', 'My Fri-Calls', 'New English', and more recently 'Spring Leaves', a collection of over two hundred of his musings over the years. Since over four years, he has been translating some Vedantic discourses and books of his Guru (Sri. Yellamraju Srinivasa Rao) an authority on the Advaita philosophy, and till now published five books: Poorna Madaha, Gayatri Mantra, Prasthaana Traya Saaram, Mantra Pushpam, and Bhagavad Geeta Hridayam.

      Krishna Gutala and his spouse Annapurna  had celebrated  four years back, the  Shashti-Poorthi  Anniversary of their Wedding, and have been having a happy married life. They reside in  San Jose, California. They are blessed with a son (Ravi Gutala), and two daughters (Sarala Kuchibhatla, and, Indira Kambhampati), all of whom reside in USA.

      Though retired over sixteen years back,  Krishna. M. Gutala  keeps himself busy, reading, writing, and publishing, and engaged in despatching e-messages  like  Fri-Calls earlier, and currently  Somvaar Sandesh-s.

      Well, this is a gist of the checkered career and life of  Krishna  M.  Gutala.