Sunday, April 3, 2011

Silver Jubilee - Twenty five Musings ( SJ )


Sarveshaam Swasthir Bhavathu Sarveshaam Santhir Bhavathu
Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavathu Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavathu
- - - - A Vedic Prayer.
(May good and well-being ever be befalling all
May all be ever endowed with peace and tranquility
May all ever be blessed with Fullness (Perfection)
May all ever be experiencing Auspiciousness)
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Hello everybody ! Sukravaaram Suprabhaath !

With this week Fri-Call has reached its Silver Jubilee! Hence I thought there
should be something special about it, instead of the usual format. Tenty five
of my musings from the previous Fri-Calls, randomly picked up, are being now
presented. Twenty five muti-colored beads on a string as it were, a 'Sookthi-
Maala'. Musings touching various aspects of life, in a broad spectrum. A rosary
of sayings. Well here it goes - - - - - -

1. Life is an eternal struggle. When one problem solved, another appears.
When one hope fulfilled, another sprouts up.
2. To hope and wish that there be no problems in life, is like wishing
no other traffic on the road while driving your vehicle !
3. No two people in this world are made of the same mold. Perfect
temperamental fit between any two is a myth. To expect the other person
to think, talk, act and behave as YOU wish, is a fundamental misconcept.
Realising this, if the needed tolerance, compromise and forgiveness are
developed in inter-personal relationships,life would indeed be more easy-going
and pleasant.
4. Failures and disappointments are as much a part of life, as are successes
and fulfilments; all have to be taken with equal grace and non-challance.
In the game of 'Snakes and Ladders', if there were to be only ladders and no
snakes, how would that game be? So would be life !
5. Expect not that the world is just exclusively cut out for YOU, to suit
YOUR needs and fulfill YOUR desires! Remember, you are just one among the
myriad units that constitute this universe.

6. The rose tree has both lovely fragrant flowers, as well as sharp prickly
thorns. If your eyes are on the flowers, you experience serenity and happiness.
If your looks are on the thorns, you feel distress and repulsion. So also with
the world, which has both good things and bad !
7. Five recipes to mitigate or avoid worry in life :
(a) Do not overbrood over the past, by way of what could or should have been
done (b) Indulge not in an over-concern for the future, by way of anxiety
for what's going to happen. (c) Develop an unswerving Faith in a Higher Power
that is guiding your destiny. (d) Keep remembering the many good things that
happened in life earlier, and perhaps happening even now. (e) Realise that good
and bad things are part of life. Let them all be taken sportingly and graciously.
8. The thrill of material happiness is experienced only during transitions, just
as current is induced in a conductor only during changes in magnetic flux, and
not in a static field, however powerful it might be.
9. Anybody can perhaps make somebody happy sometimes.
Somebody can perhaps make anybody happy sometrimes.
Somebody can perhaps make somebody happy all times.
BUT, nobody can make everybody happy all times !
10. Engineers may atmost build dams. But who fills the reservoirs ?
Alas! Man boasts of 'conquering nature' !

11. Every machine, of any type, surely needs periodic servicing. The human
machine is no exception. Rather it is something special; it is a highly sophisticated
thinking and working machine. Needs daily servicing ! Both physical and mental.
Physical thru exercise, and mental thru enlightening reading, prayer and
meditation, to keep it ever tidy and trim.
12. Life is a continuous process of learning and improvement.
It is never too late to learn or improve.
13. Universe is like a coconut. If only one can pull out the thick fiber of
illusion (Maaya) enveloping it, and break the shell of ignorance, then, one can
regale the sweet nectar within, and taste the delicious kernel of supreme bliss.
14. To make a mistake is not that bad, as not to learn from it, and
make it again !
15. Any activity you are engaged in, whereby something becomes better
than what it was earlier, or, someone is enabled to feel or know better than
before, is indeed a good activity.

16. The water in the swimming pool provides a quiet pleasure to the
swimmer. But the same water arouses ghastly fear to a non-swimmer. So is the
ocean of life, which for the ignorant and the un-initiated, is a source of constant
dread and anxiety, tho for the wise one the same ocean is no cause for dread !
17. There are innumerable bubbles floating on the water surface. They arise
from it, bloom for a while, and burst merging with it. So also are all forms of life,
bubbles springing from Universal Consciousness. Death is nothing but a mere
extinction of the bubble, merging with its source. The ego that bloated the
bubble, just disappears !
18. Luck is merely a relative word. Everyone is less lucky than more lucky
people, and more lucky than less lucky people !
19. However dissimilar the two sides of a coin be, they both together
constitute the coin. So also are husband and wife, who together constitute
the coin of life !
20. The best way to transmit to the youngsters: ethics, morality, discipline,
manners and good conduct, is thru the principle of 'gravity'. It should percolate
down from the elders !

21. If you do not express appreciation for,and reward good work, you would
eventually be the cause for its total absence !
22. Life is a time-span between two terminals - - - the start and the finish.
An optimist looks at the former, and exults how far he has traversed from it.
A pessimist, on the other hand, looks at the other end, and laments how fast
he is approaching it.
23. The greatest fault an individual often commits is: to frequently
find faults in others !
24. Life is a delicate art which if properly and diligently cultivated, is conducive
to mental peace and happiness. The art of life consists in: how best we get on
with others whoever they be, and, how best we can adjust and reconcile
ourselves, in whatever circumstances we are placed by our destiny.
25. The best way to be happy is
to try to make others be !

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