Sunday, April 24, 2011

Om Namo Bhagawatay Vaasudevaaya

" The thrill of material happiness is experienced only during transitions ---
just as current is induced in a conductor only during a change in magnetic flux,
and not in a static field, however powerful it might be "
 ( Spring Leaves   by    KMG )
      Hope you all had a nice time last week.  The summer is slowly waning out, and gradually yielding place to the Fall season. Weather is going to be more pleasant. Kids are, in many places, back to school after their happy vacations. Camps and outings have had their day, and now school-works start.  Well, waiting for a season of mild, soothing weather and pleasant time.
      Today I propose to reproduce two of my poems from the book 'Random Musings'. The first is of a devotional type, in the realm of 'Saguna Upaasana' under, say, the Bhakti Yoga. The second is more philosophical, suggestive of Nirguna Awareness, more of the Advaitic concept, reminding us of the salt-doll venturing into the ocean, assaying to gauge its depth !  Here are the two poems :
                                   THE  WALK  OF  LIFE
                     Lo, how secure and free the child feels
                     Holding on to its parent's finger,
                     Talking and laughing, jumping while walking --
                     Happily it strolls with carefree leisure,
                     Looking hither and thither, all that attracts --
                     The beauty of the sky, and the birds that fly;
                     Never missing the path, nor running a risk,
                     As long as the finger-grip is tight.
                     So may thou be in thy walk of life,
                     With its crossings and crossroads, pits and perils,
                     Never losing thy way, and ever feeling secure --
                     If only thou hold on to HIM  thy  Father !

                                      A  WAVE  OF  THE  SEA
                    I am      A traveller wearied,
                                 Been  over  hills and dales,
                                 Craving  for the  sweet home.
                    I am      An actor  on the stage,
                                 Played  hero and villain,
                                 Longing to be just myself.
                    I am      The dazzling Sun
                                 Hid behind the clouds,
                                 Seeking to shine as ever.
                    I am      A  wave of the  sea,
                                 Risen up  so high --
                                 Pining to merge with the Main.
                    I am      A speck of Divinity
                                Yearning  to  reunite
                                With Parent Source Divine !
      By the by, just wish to convey the Advaitic interpretation of the oft-repeated
'Dwaadasaakshari  Vedic  Mantra' :
              " Om  Namo  Bhagawatay  Vaasudevaaya "
Om = the holy symbol
Namo =  Salutation
Bhagawatay =  Pertaining  to  Divinity  
Vaasudevaaya = Normally thought to be referring to Lord Krishna as the  son of Vasudeva, and as a personal  Godhead.  But in   Advaitic parlance, It signifies: 'Vasati  Iti  Divyati',  which means: The Universal Existence and Appearance/Awareness. The Divinity that is Niraakaara, Omnipresent and Omniscient.

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