Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dada Vaswani's tips

It is good to listen to the sayings and counsels of elders, especially celebrities. Their words spring out of experience over long years, and are time-tested.  Their expressions  would be replete with wisdom, and potentially useful in guiding our lives. One such celebrity is Dada Vaswani, a great social reformer, widely travelled, and serving the community in various ways thru Institutions founded by Vaswani Trust, I think, based in Pune. Let us lend our ears to what Dada Vaswani exhorts to us.        
Dada Vaswani's  seven advises to face challenges in life:
1.  Turn to God and say 'I cannot do what is expected of me, without your help.
2.  Put forth your best effort, without being attached to the result.
3.  Extend your helping hand to the needy, and to as many as you can.
4.  Every day have an appointment with God, and spend some time in silence      with your own true self.
5.  Have a constructive attitude towards life; your character molds your life.
6.  Nothing is impossible if God wills it. When in trouble, hand over the problem to God.
7.  Develop a sense of humor.  Laughter is an all-around tonic.         
Dada Vaswani's  seven suggestions to change one's attitude and life:  
1.  Take care of your thoughts. Heed the saying 'As you think so you become'. When any      undesirable or evil thought comes to your mind, drive it out and cleanse yourself.
2.  Never criticize anyone. If we see faults in others, we may be filled with the same.     If we see good in others, we become better and nobler.
3.  Count your blessings. Learn looking at the bright side, even in the face of disaster.
4.  Develop a singing heart. When you wake up, hum a simple hymn (any line from the      scriptures), and repeat at least ten times. During the day also occasionally repeat.      Again, ten times as you go to bed. It becomes part of the subconscious.
5.  Cultivate faith in the goodness and caring power of God. God is all love and wisdom.      In everything that happens to you, including calamities, there is a meaning of God's      mercy. Accept everything as a 'Prasadam' from the holy hands of the Lord.
6.  Develop a healthy sense of humor. Learn to laugh, which is an all-around physical,      mental and spiritual tonic. Take hearty laughs often, but never laugh at others.
7.  Work to help others. Help as many as you can, in as many ways, on as many occasions,      and as long as you can, to lift and lighten their loads on the rough road of life.  you would be abundantly blessed. 

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