Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tips for Good Health & Self Healing - I


" Apart from many others, the five culprits that can create unhappiness in our lives could be :
   1.  Comparisons: With others,  with respect to material or other aspects, and, consequent pressure to equal, or even to excel them.
   2. Expectations: The more expectations you have, greater are the chances of disappointment and despair.
   3. Accumulations: Going on collecting and storing so many kinds of things, and later scratch our heads how to dispose off the clutter!
   4. Assumptions: Often based on shaky foundations, and worry when they fail you.
   5. Fault-finding: A very common indulgence that, in reality, makes  you  more unhappy than those at whom your finger points to. "     'Spring  Leaves'  by  KMG 

       Hello to you all !                   Somvaar  Suprabhaath !

       Today is a health-oriented topic.  Concerned with knowing how to keep the body healthy and fit.  Knowing the special capabilities which Nature has bestowed to the human body, by way of auto-  or  self-healing facilities.  In this connection, the contribution of an eminent medical Doctor in USA, a very unique Doctor so to say, a qualified allopathic Doctor, an MD from a famous University, who  instead of treading the beaten path, ventured into various other medical approaches and practices, including indigenous systems, like  Naturopathy, and even Yoga.  He presented a total and wholesome method of treatment, eking out the best from the various systems in vogue.  He brought into focus the aspects regarding how to 'discover and embrace our body's  natural ability to maintain and heal itself' That unique celebrated Doctor is one  Dr. Andrew Weil  MD, author of innumerable books, including the highly popular  " Spontaneous  Healing".  Some of his views and counsels, being gleanings from his book, constitute today's  topic.  Here they are :

                      TIPS  FOR  GOOD HEALTH   &    SELF-HEALING       Part  1.

       The body wants to be healthy.  Health is condition of perfect balance when all systems run smoothly, and energy circulates freely.
* * * *   Understand the body as a unified functioning system. * * * *  There is no separation of mind and body. Physical interventions, by their effect on the nervous system, could improve psychological function.* * * *  There are ways to protect and enhance body's  healing system.....  These concern: diet,  patterns of activity and rest,  ways of handling stress,  along with intelligent use of vitamins, supplements like herbs, and,  practices that take advantage of mind/body interactions. * * * *  It seems most strange that practioners of the so-called healing art should have such little faith in healing.....The roots of medical pessimism lie in the lopsided nature of medical education, which focusses almost exclusively on  disease and its treatment, rather than health and its maintenance.  * * * * There are  300 trillion cells in an average body, and, some ten million die and are replaced every second.  * * * *  Here then are the basic  activities of the healing system : ........  Healing is an inherent capacity of life.  DNA has within it all the info needed to manufacture  enzymes to repair itself.  The healing system operates continuously, and is always on call. ........ The healing system not only acts to neutralize the effects of serious injury, it also directs the ordinary moment-to-moment corrections that maintain normal structure and function ...... Healing is spontaneous. It is a natural tendency arising from the internal nature of DNA. * * * *  There are three main categories of weakening influences on immune system: 1. Persistent or overwhelming infections. 2. Toxic injury by certain forms of matter and energy, and 3. Unhealthy mental states.* * * *   Mind is a major influence on healing, for better or worse........ Life-style significantly influences our risks of contracting common diseases,  and certainly affects our ability to heal. ......  The easiest way to reduce calories in dishes you like is to cut the fat content. Fat has almost twice as many calories per gram as protein and cabohydrate. 

......... What then can we eat ?  Veg oils that are predominently mono-unsaturated -- olive, canola, peanut, avocado --- do not pose the cardiovascular risk of saturated fat, or, the cancer risks of poly-unsaturates.  Olive oil appears to be the best and safest of all edible oils......  It leads to reduction of bad cholestrol (LDL).....Extra-virgin olive oil is even better.  In populations using this oil, raates of cardiovascular disease, as also degenerative diseases and cancer, are lower.* * * *  We need protein to make new tissues to grow, and to maintain and repair our tissues. ....  Protein deficiency results in stunted growth, and impairment of healing activity.... Veg sources are: beans, some nuts and grains. Veg proteins are less concentrated..... Body needs about 2 ozs (60 gms) of protein food per day for an adult.* * * *  Milk products are very high in saturated fat, unless made from skimmed milk or of low-fat. * * * * Eggs: White of eggs is good source of high quality protein. But, egg yolk contains fat and cholestrol that we should limit.... Avoid raw and under-cooked eggs.* * * *  Nuts and Seeds: Like almonds and sunflower seeds are sources of veg protein, but their high content of poly-unsaturated fat calls for moderation in consumption.* * * * Fruits and vegetables: They appear to offer significant protection against cancer,  heart disease, and other common ailments, as also to help immunity and healing.... Fresh ones probably deliver more health benefits than canned, frozen or dried versions. * * * *  Fiber: Adequate fiber in diet promotes digestive health, and good for bowel movement. Populations consuming more fiber, have low rates of colon cancer.* * * *  Protection from Toxins: The body's ability to eliminate unwanted substances, depends on healthy functioning of four systems:  1. Urinary.  2. Gastrointestinal. 3. Respiratory  4. Skin.  You can ensure their good condition by: 1. drinking enuf water to help the kidneys maintain good output of urine,  2. eating enuf fiber to ensure regular bowel function,  3. exercise respiratory system regularly,  4. increase sweating by aerobic exercise. * * * *  Microwave Ovens:  Never microwave food in other than glass or ceramic containers, and never cover it with plastic wrap during cooking.  Use microwave oven for rapid heating of food, rather than long cooking of main dishes.

                                                ( This topic will be continued and completed next week )

      Well, this much for today.    Wishing you all a splendid week ahead,      Krishna  M.  Gutala.

" Scorn not those that be         less fortunate than thee
 in this world in wealth            or in matters of health.
Have compassion for such folk,  for they bear a heavier yoke.
God shall be kind to thee,       if kind thou to them be. "

K M G 

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