Saturday, April 23, 2011



Hope you  all had a pleasant festive season and a Happy New Year Day !So we have now stepped into the New Decade, let us say, with hope, faith and courage. May the Almighty bless us with prosperity, peace and happiness, and success in all our endeavours !        
 We use the word 'Happy' very often in our dealings with others. 'Wish a Happy Birthday,  Happy Neew Year,  Happpy Holidays,  Happy Journey' - - -  and so on.Happiness is the one thing that everyone cherishes and craves for, for self, as alsohopefully for others. Everyone, without exception, wants to be happy, whatever type of person one may  be.        
 Now, what is 'happiness'?   Easy to ask but difficult to answer!  Each may have his or her own concept or its interpretation . It is also said, it is more a state of one's own mind, one's attitude towards life and the world,  rather than life's situations and circumstances. Good and bad things do happen in life, but much depends on how one takes it.       
Following are a selection  from some of my musings on this subject of happiness:
1.  The best way to be happy is   to try to make others be.
2.  The happiness of an individual springs out of the fulfillment of one's duties in this world.
3.  The causes and factors that make one happy, need not be the same as those that make      another happy
4.  Most of the  cravings we harbor to make us cheerful and happy, are likely to turn out     to be illusory, ephemeral and even deceptive.  In our account-ledger of happiness, we     wish entries in credit column, but alas, often find them on the debit side !
5.  Money is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for happiness in life.
6.  Happiness has to do with not merely what you earn or acquire,  but,  how you do it, and     what you do with it.
7.  Happy is the person who does not search for the causes of happiness !
8.  If one  wants to BE  and  FEELS  happy, none can prevent it !
9.  You are not truly happy in the fullest sense, as long as you expect happiness  from external sources.
10. He that is true to  himself,  hath peace and serenity.  An honest man may not become rich, but is indeed truly happy.
11. One thing that can make you be happy in this world  - - -      Absolute and unswerving  Faith in the Supreme.
12. The thrill of material happiness is experienced only during transitions  - -      just as, current is induced in a  conductor only during a change in magnetic flux, and not      in a static field, however powerful it may be . 
13. For a happy living, our needs are few. But we realize it not, and let our desires  and cravings  proliferate !
14. The secret of happiness is,  to know that you are yourself  Happiness Incarnate !
 15. When one ceases to derive happiness from without,  he would be surprised  to find an abundance of it within !
16. The happiness which we seem to derive from fulfillment of a desire,  is not so much from the fulfillment, but, from the tiny gap between it, and,     the sprouting of the next desire ! It is that brief interval of desirelessness     which yields the happiness, that can ripen into Bliss.  

               THE   TREASURE   THOU   ART
           Oh ye !   Thou hath the Treasure Infinite
           In the innermost  chambers of thyself.
           Forgetful of it,  why beg for alms,
           Long for petty riches,  or  envy others ?
          Thou art the Ocean deep.
          Why clamor to catch the waves,
          Or lament over the vanishing froth ?
          Those are but specks of Thyself Infinite !
          Excite not over the shining lights  around.
          The glittering lights, blinding thy eyes - -
          They are but tiny mirrors reflecting Thy Light,
          Deluding thee that they shine themselves !
          Clamor not for happiness from objects around - -
          They play hide-and-seek and cheat !
          Know, thou hath within thee, Happiness Infinite.
          Thou art thyself Infinite Treasure, Beauty and Bliss.
         Now, from a philosophical viewpoint, herewith is a Poem of mine in this connection:

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