Sunday, April 3, 2011

Religion and Politics


Kara charana krithamwa karma vaakkaayajamwa
Sravana nayanajamwa maanasamwa aparaadham
Vihitha ma vihithamwa sarwamehthath kshamaswa
Siva Siva Karunaabdheh Sree Mahadeva Sambho !

( Sivaaparaadha kshamaapana stothram:
Sree Aadi Sankaracharya )

( Oh Siva, the Ocean of mercy and kindness ! Whatever misdeeds I have committed
knowingly or unknowingly, thru my hands or feet, or speech, or while seeing or hearing,
or thru the media of my mind,- - -for all these, kindly forgive me, Oh Sambho Mahadeva !
- - - - - -
The interaction between religion and politics is an interesting and thought-provoking
topic. Many opine that these two be kept apart and not mixed up. Instances are not
lacking to show the adverse effects of religion on politics, how nations of different
religions (or sometimes different sects of same religion) went to war against each other.
Also of how some countries, by virtue of their political philosophy, crushed religion and
its activities. If politics and religion be strictly within their purview of benevolent purposes,
and usefully compliment each other, there would be indeed no problem. But often it
does not happen. Just as politics not unoften deviates from moral and ethical principles,
and human values, so also, religion sometimes breeds fundamentalism and fanaticism,
loses sight of its noble objectives, and vitiates the social and political atmosphere. Even
in countries like India with long religious traditions, it so happens sometimes that religious
observances become aggressive, noisy, showy, inflexible and dogmatic, resulting in such
practices and activities that cause public inconvenience. Religion devoid of its spirit
becomes mere vanity show. In many Indian cities (could be in some other countries
also), on some festive occasions, religious groups indulge in use of blazing loudspeakers,
not only in daytime but also often till late hours at night, causing noise pollution to the
entire community, including schools and hospitals if in vicinity. Even students writing
exams are severely affected. Another kind of problem is pandals (wooden platforms)
erected right on streets or even at some road junctions, causing traffic problems.
To top it all, I found in my native city of Hyderabad that a few thousand Ganesh
idols, varying from a few inches to some even upto twenty or thirty feet huge ones
(for which big cranes are used to lift them up and put in the lake), mostly painted in
colors, being immersed in the beautiful Hussainsagar lake every year, severely affecting
the purity of its water, and even endangering marine life. And all this in name of religion!
In the last few decades, govts of different political parties were in power, but none
could stop this practice. Perhaps, politicians at helm of affairs do not wish to displease
the providers of vote-banks ! Even attempts to limit the size of idols to say two or
three feet, proved futile. What would happen to the beautiful lake in course of time,
is anybody's guess.
Hence, there is strong need for political administrators to authoritatively curb such
undesirable religious practices that cause harmful noise pollution or environmental hazards.
Politics and religion may have to interact when needed, but only in the interests of the
public good.

Now a poem from my book 'Random Musings' :


Scorn not those that be
Less fortunate than thee
In this world in wealth
Or in matters of health.

Have compassion for such folk
For they bear a heavier yoke.
God shall be kind to thee
If kind thou to them be.


Next, a few of my musings from the book 'Pearls of Wisdom' :

If you do not express appreciation for, and, reward good work,
you would eventually be the cause for its total absence !
* * *
No two people, beings, events and situations are absolutely identical anytime
in this world. Every moment has a stamp and distinctiveness of its own. That is
the exquisite beauty and diversity in the Divine creation.
* * *
It is the nature of mind to waver. But forget not - - -
Will is mightier than the mind.
* *
A friendship is not worth if, instead of imparting solace and cheer,
it causes worry and distress.

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