Sunday, April 24, 2011

80th Somvaar Sandesh


" You should be like a gyro.  In whatever way you are  tossed, turned and oriented in your life,  your axis  pointed towards  God,  should ever remain constant. "  ( Spring Leaves   by   KMG )

Well, the score of  SS  is now four score.  For having reached this, by way of  thanks-giving,  I wish to reproduce today  two devotional poems. 

Whatever be the situation, whatever be our avocation and activity, stationing the concept of Divinity in your mind, and nourishing a sustained faith in It, -- an implicit and unswerving faith --- instils in you  hope, vigor, and an indomitable courage, in facing life's problems.  As offered by the Lord in Geeta

                          " Whereso any doeth all his deeds
                           renouncing  self for  Me,  full of Me,
                           fixed to serve only the  Highest,
                           night and day  musing on  Me ---
                           him will I  swiftly lift forth from
                           life's ocean of distress and death. "
Hence, better to ever believe in Him, in Him Who was always saving thee, and, Who shall be ever saving thee. Then, life's burden surely would become lighter. Greater chances for quietitude  and  peace of mind.
       Now herewith are two of my poems from  " Random  Musings " :

   EVER  IN  THY  THOUGHTS                            THE  OMNISCIENT
Ever in Thy thoughts  Me Lord !                        Whatever thou seeth and whenever,
Let my mind be immersed,                                 Ever see the Lord's resplendent Form
While everything that I do.                                 Through all that thou ever seeth.
For this boon, ever I beseech You.                    And the Lord is beyond all form !
The world entire, a dispensation Divine              Whatever thou heareth and whenever,
Of joys and sorrows, hopes and despairs;         Ever hear the Lord's Hymns echoing
A mammoth canvas with sparkling colors.         Through all that thou ever heareth.
What magical spell hath Thou cast !                  And the Lord  is beyond all  echo !
For pleasure one pines, but ends up in pains,     Whatever thou toucheth and whenever,
Caught in the sticky web of material gains --       Ever feel the touch of Lord's Holy Feet
And still unaware of the secret of joy --              Through all that  thou ever toucheth.
Regaling the nectar of Thy sweet Name !            And the Lord is beyond all touch !
Thou art Ram, and Thou Raheem,                     Whatever thou thinkest and whenever,
Christ or Krishna,  God Supreme.                      Ever think of the Lord Merciful,
Countless are Thy Names, countless Forms.       Through all that thou ever thinkest.
Yet, Thou art the One and only One !                 And the Lord is beyond all thought !
In Thy thoughts ever,  me Lord !                        Whatever thou doeth and whenever,
Let my mind be blissfully engrossed !                 Ever thou acteth His Divine Command
                                                                         Through all that thou ever doeth.
                                                                         And the Lord is beyond all action.
                                                                     Whatever and whenever thou seeth or heareth,
                                                                     Toucheth or thinkest, or whatever thou doeth,
                                                                     Know that the Lord is within everything;
                                                                     Know that the Lord is beyond everything !

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