Monday, May 9, 2011

Nishkaama Karma


 " Before you judge, criticize,  or find fault with any person, better  halt a moment, put yourself in that person's shoes, and reflect what  YOU would have done in those circumstances in which that person was placed at THAT ime.  That would indeed be more reasonable and realistic, resulting in a more balanced view. "  -   Spring Leaves  ---  KMG

      Hello all of you !  Somvaar  Suprabhaath !

      The quintessence of the ancient scriptures of Bharat,  the epitome of all Wisdom,  the Nectar that is milked from the Upanishad 'cows' by the  Divine Cowherd Lord Krishna Himself (as is traditionally stated),  the Song Divine from the very Lips of that Supreme Avataar, to arouse a confused, sunken and depressed
mortal, to spring back to activity and valor, taking him as it were, out from the tunnel of utter darkness to resplendent effulgence, - - - -  the Bhagavad  Geetha, expounds the righteous way of living, dealing with every  aspect of mortal life, in an incredibly lucid style, as no other book in the world does. The spiritual ladder is pictorially depicted, from the base level to the very summit. From utter ignorance to eternal Wisdom, Enlightenment and Supreme Bliss, the steps being: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and finally Gnyaana Yoga.  The very basic instruction is imparted in the Karma Yoga ( by 'Yoga' is meant, not the subject dealing with 'aasana-s' etc., as is normally understood, but implies the comprehensive meanig of
'path' or 'method'). The cardinal principle of this Yoga, is the precept of 'Nishkaama Karma', typified in  the statement of "Action is thy duty, fruit is not thy concern", indicating how 'work' has to be done.  As per Geetha, "Yogaha Karmasu Kousalam" i.e., Yoga facilitates, renders easy, all  works.  Here are some passages from this Divine  Scripture, dealing with  WORK.  In a poetic format,  but so self-explanatory that no elucidation is needed: 

1.   " - - -  -   This world's Lord makes                  
  Neither work, nor passion for the work,
  Nor lust for fruit of work; the man's own self
  Pushes to these ! The Master of this world
  Takes on Himself the good or evil deeds
  Of no man dwelling beyond ! Mankind errs here
  By folly, darkening knowledge - - - - "

2.  " - - - - -  He that abstains to help
   The rolling wheels of this great world,
   Glutting his idle senses, lives a lost life,
   Shameful and vain - - - -  -  - "

3.  " If knowing thy duty and thy task, thou bidd'st
     Duty and task go by, --  that shall be sin !  "

4.  "  Do thine  alloted task !
     Work is more excellent than idleness ;
     The body's life proceeds not, lacking work - -  - "

5.  "  Abstaining from a work by right prescribed
     Never is meet !  So to abstain doth spring
     From darkness,  and delusion teacheth it - -  -
     But abstaining from attachment to the work,
     Abstaining from rewardment in the work,
     While yet one doeth it full faithfully,
     Saying  "It is right to do",  that is "true" act
     And abstinence !   Who doeth duties so,
     Unvexed if his work fail,  if it succeed
     Unflattered,  in his own heart justified,
     Quit of debates and doubts,  his is  "true" act - -

6.  " - - - - - -   Find full reward
     Of doing right in right !  Let right deeds be
     Thy motive, not the fruit which comes from them."

7.  " - -  Because, no heart that holds one right desire,
     Treadeth the road of loss  - - - - - -  -  "

8.  "  - - - -   He that acts, in thought of Brahm,
     Detaching end from act,  with act content,
     The world of sense  can no more stain his soul
     Than waters mar the enamelled lotus-leaf - - - "

                   *     *      *      *       *

  ( N.B.   These beautiful poetic passages are culled from the  renowned
              poetic work  " Song Celestial "  of  Sir Edwin Arnold )

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