Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love & Musings on Love


Happy Deepawali Greetings ! Festival of Lights. Symbolic of illumination and enlightenment. Symbolic of the destruction of demonic (asuric) propensities. May the Almighty bless us all with prosperity, health and happiness !

One of the finest yet powerful sentiments dominantly present in not only humans, but also in all living beings,is 'Love'. It inter-connects humans within themselves and also with other living beings, and connects both to even inanimate objects. It arises from the bosom, springs from the heart, and its fragrance permeates all around. The most ideal and noblest love is that of the mother, pure and selfless, total and committed. Actually, in pure form, love and selfishness cannot go together. An element of sacrifice is inherent in love.
The scope of love has to be ever-widening, extending from one concentric circle to the next larger, proceeding from self to the family, to the community and to the world-at-large. It needs to be gradually universalized as it were, to realize its full potential and true significance. It has to be transformed from the gross to the subtle, from the tempestuous to the tempered, and, from being narrow and restricted, to be broad and all-pervading. The art of living is indeed the art of loving, in the true sense. Most of the problems in the world would tend to be solved if a feeling of true love permeates all inter-personal relations. Love imparts strength, and inhibits negative and undesirable traits. Its potential is incredible in bringing about peace and happiness.

Now, a poem and some musings on this topic from my books 'Random Musings' and 'Pearls of Wisdom' :


Love is an all-pervading fragrance of Divinity
Emanating from the lotus-seat of one's heart.

Let thy love embrace the entire universe itself as it were --
The animate and inanimate, flora and fauna,
The micro- and the macro- , everything conceivable !

Let thy love be as deep and vast as the ocean.
Waves and ripples there could be, waves of misunderstanding,
and ripples of misapprehension,
Leading to impulsiveness and anger.
Realise that these are mere momentary and transitory upsurges.
Be not obsessed with them.
Let thy thoughts and focus be not on the waves and ripples,
But on the eternal Ocean itself.
Seek peace and solace in it, and, strive and persevere
To realise the unbounded universal Love Divine !


Love is the universal solvent in which the ego is dissolved and anhilated.
Love is the Elixir which gives the taste of Nectar Divine.
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Some people, though nurturing deep love for the other person,
do not explicitly say so. However, it is better to have love
though not explicitly expressed, than to profusely express it, without having it !
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If love is the milk of human kindness, compassion is the butter !
Listen to a small poem on it :
Scorn not those that be less fortunate than thee
In this world in wealth, or matters of health.
Have Compassion for such folk
For they bear a heavier yoke.
God shall be kind to thee, if kind thou to them be !
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Just for Fun
Now, something to tickle ! Some humorous definitions (collected). Take it lightly !

COMMITTEE: A group of people who individually can do nothing, but can
decide collectively that nothing can be done !
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ARCHAELOGIST: A man whose career lies in 'ruins' !
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BANK ACCT : Resembles a tooth-paste! Easy to take out, but hard to put in !
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WASTED ENERGY: Telling a hair-rising story to a bald-headed man !
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SPEACIALIST : One who delves deeper and deeper into the subject under study,
and knows more and more about less and less, until
he practically knows everything about almost nothing !

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