Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fun Quiz


Everyone, without exception,
has some plus points and minus points.
Better, appreciate the former, and,
be complacent to the latter !          
(Spring Leaves   by  KMG)
 It is a looong time since we had some fun, since we had something to tickle our thinking. Or shall we say, tease our brains !  Instead of passively reading some narration or information, how about tackling some Quiz problems, taking up a challenging task as it were, and enjoy the pleasure on solving it?  So today, I am giving below, eight Quiz problems for you to attempt and solve :      
(Q-1)  Use five 'and'-s continuously in a sentence (i.e., and and and ....), the sentence being grammatically correct, and also meaningful.       
(Q-2)      297 x  18  =  N.   Evaluate N and critically look at the equation. What is something special about it ?      
(Q-3)  There are  some flowers in a lake. On each flower if two butterflies were to come and perch, one flower is left.  On the other hand, if on each flower, one butterfly only were to come and perch upon, then, one butterfly is left without  a flower. How many flowers were in the lake, and how many butterflies ?      
(Q-4)  A priest was going alone in a desert , when he was  waylaid by some robbers who took him to their Chieftain. It was dusk. The Chieftain told the Priest:"By our custom, anyone trespassing our land, is instantly killed. But, holy as you look, I am extending to you a special treatment. Have a sumptuous dinner, and rest well tonight. Tomorrow morning at nine, you would be brought to me. I would ask you to make a statement, which if true, you would be shot dead. If it be a false one, you would be hanged. You can choose the mode of your death." Accordingly, the Priest was brought next day to the Chieftain, and made a statement, by which he could be neither shot nor hanged !  What was his statement ?       
(Q-5)  There is a nine-letter word in English. Its speciality is: From it if any one letter (from any position) is removed, there would still be a valid, meaningful word. If from that eight-letter word, any one letter be removed, a valid word of seven letters would remain. And so on and on, till a meanigful one letter is left finally. What is that nine-letter word to start with ?       
(Q-6)  What is the speciality of the number  2519 ?      
 (Q-7)  Once, Sage Narada  took some flowers, went to Brahma, and placed them at His feet. Surprisingly, the number of flowers doubled!  He took some from them, went to Vishnu and placed them at His feet. The flowers again doubled. He took some from them, went to Siva, and placed them at His feet. As before the flowers doubled. The surprising thing was, the number of flowers at the feet of the three Gods, turned out to be same. How many flowers were first placed at Brahma's  feet ?
 (Q-8)  What is the common characteristic among all the following words ?Assess,  Banana,  Dresser,  Grammar,  Potato,  Revive,  Uneven,  Voodoo.


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