Sunday, April 24, 2011

Albert Einstein


" I may not live the way you like, and
you may not live the way I like,
but, poblems will be less, if both realize
no two in this world are alike ! "
( Spring Leaves    by    KMG )

     Today, propose to give some details regarding the life of one of the greatest intellectuals of the previous century, a great scientist and thinker, Albert Einstein. Of course, you can get the same in internet. But thought, I could make it readily available, like saying  ' I know you can cook the dish, but won't it be easier and welcome if the dish were to be placed  right before you, ready to be consumed ? '. So here it is :

      Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14th 1879.  He was the son of Hermann and Pauline Einstein.  Two years later, the family moved to Munich where the father started an electrician's business.  There, Albert was sent to Roman Catholic Schools.  Young Albert,  an  aloof sensitive child, was not very happy at School.  He was slow of speech, and his teachers considered him rather stupid !

      When Albert was sixteen, his father's business failed,  and his parents moved to Milan, Italy, leaving Albert in Munich to continue his schooling.  Lonely and unhappy,  Albert did purposely badly in examinations, to pursuade his parents to allow him to join them.  His ruse succeeded.  Next, he taught himself Calculas and Higher Mathe-matics, and  won admission to Polytechnic Academy in Zurich, Switzerland, where he studied Physics and Mathematics  from 1896 to 1900.  At the age of twenty one, he became a  Swiss citizen, and the following year got a job teaching at Winterthm Technical School.

      In 1902, Einstein got the appointment of Patent Examiner in Swiss Patents Office in Berne.  He held the job for six years. He devoted all his spare time to studies, and enquiries into the nature  of the Universe. During this time, he obtained his Ph.D from Zurich University. Between 1902 and 1905, he prepared five Papers which were to revolutionalize the science of Physics. In 1905 when he was twenty six,  he published the five Papers.  The first of them dealt with 'Special Theory of Relativity'. He read this Paper to a Congress of Scientists in  Salzburg, Germany in in 1908, and he became famous. By 1913, he became the Director of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute, and a Member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. During World War I  he published the 'General Theory of Relativity'.  He became world-famous. The Paper contained his belief that light is bent when it passes a field of gravitation.  On May 29th, 1919,  the British led by Prof. Eddington, verified this by observations made during a  solar eclipse.

 " In 1921  Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Physics,  and promptly gave the money in charity.  In 1933 Hitler branded him a Jew, and put a price on his head ! He and his econd wife (a first cousin whom he married in 1917 after divorcing his first wife) fled to Belgium, and then to USA, where he was given  the job of Head of Institute for Advanced Study of the Princeton University.  In September 1939 he wrote a letter to President Roosevelt suggesting the possibility of atomic power,a letter that lead to the starting of the Manhattan Project, and the ushering of the atomic age.  His 'Lab' was within his skull, and his only 'apparatus' pencil and paper ! In 1905 he had discovered his famous equation  E = m c-square,  where E = energy, m = mass, and c = velocity of light.  Thus  E = m x 34596 million.  He also propounded the Unified Field Theory  which set forth the Laws governing the two fundamental forces of the Universe :  gravitation, and, electro-magnetism. 

      Einstein was a gentle, shy and a very modest man.  He loved freedom, scorned wealth and show,  and, loved all men who were not cruel or despotic.  Nationality meant nothing to him. He  was  a  Pacifist, and wanted scientific discoveries to be devoted to works of peace.  He died in 1955. "      

Well, those were in brief, some glimpses of the life of the great intellectual and thinker  Albert Einstein.  There is a vast more to be known regarding his life and achievements; only the bare minimum facts of his illustrious life have been given.

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