Monday, September 19, 2011

Tips for Good Health & Self Healing - II


" Lament not ever brooding over what could or should have been done years back in our life. It is a sheer futile exercise. The coordinates of time and circumstances that decide the way things are done, are different at different times, and do not merit comparison between the past and present.

          Instead, look forward, not backward. Know that life is a Divine Play. Try to identify the supreme objective of your life, a worthy ideal, and persevere in achieving it. That would indeed be the proper course to follow. "  - 'Spring Leaves '   by   KMG

        Hello  to  you  all !  Somvaar  Suprabhaath !

        We will continue with the topic of the last week.  The second and final instalment :

       T I PS    T O   G O O D   H E A L T H   &    S E L F - H E A L I N G      Part  2. 

       Good items for sound health :

1.  GARLIC:  Has healing properties. Rich source of sulphur containing compounds with biological activity. A true tonic affecting many systems of body that help in healing.  Its dramatic effects are on cardiovascular system. It lowers BP by more than one mechanism. Moderate hypertension is controlled by eating garlic every day.  Garlic lowers cholestrol and tryglycerides (blood fats), while increasing HDL i.e., good cholestrol. Garlic reduces clotting tendency of blood, by inhibiting readiness of platelets to aggregate. Garlic also acts as powerful antisceptic and antibiotic, counteracting many types of bacteria and fungi. It enhances activity of immune system, increasing natural killer cells, that check spread of cancers. Thus is an anti-cancer agent. It protects liver and brain cells from  degenerative changes. 

2.  GINGER :  From ancient times, doctors regarded it as superior medicine in India and China. It stimulates digestion, settles  upset stomachs, and relieves aches and pains.  It improves digestion of proteins, and treats nausea  and motion-sickness. Also acts against intestinal parasites. It tones circulatory system, and has anti-cancer effects. Persons with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, benefit from taking capsules of dried powdered ginger. It can be taken with food.

3.  GREEN  TEA :  There are number of health benefits of green tea, with its content of catechins, which are mostly destroyed in the fermentative conversion to black tea. Catechins lower cholestrol and improve lipid metabolism. Also have significant anti-cancer and anti-bacterial effects. Green tea  is better than coffee, black tea or cola, for its impressive benefits

      ACTIVITY  &  REST :   Appropriate exercise and sufficient rest help spontaneous healing. Physical exercise improves circulation, making heart an efficient pump, and maintains elasticity of arteries. It tones respiratory system, increases exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and helps elimination of metabolic wastes.  It fights depression, and improves mood, by stimulating release of endorphins in brain. It even enhances immune function,  and .... neutralizes stress, allowing greater relaxation and sounder sleep.

      WALKING  :  When you walk, movement of limbs is cross-patterned. This generates electrical activity in the brain, that has an harmonizing influence on the whole central nervous system. . . . .  Walking is the most healthful form of physical activity, and has great capacity to keep healing system in good order. It satisfies all the body's needs for aerobic exercise, if you do it in ways to increase  heart-rate and respiration sufficiently.  For this, your walks should last 45 mins, covering about three miles.

      REST  &   SLEEP :  A good night's rest is an effective healing teknik that will abort many incipient illnesses.  Sleep should be another priority for enhancing healing capacity. Stimulant drugs that interfere with sleep include, coffee, tea, cola and other caffeinated beverages.  Also, dreaming is necessary for the health and well-being of brain and mind, and indicates quality sleep. Another point is, you cannot fall asleep,  if your mind is overactive. . . .  Focussing attention on breathing is an effective way to withdraw  attention from thoughts.. . . . Meditation is a teknik to break addiction to thought. It is directed concentration. . . . . .   There are breathing exercises of Pranayama, an ancient  Indian science, to harmonize body energies and attune them with Cosmic Energy. There are different types of Pranayama and relaxing breaths, that cure digestive problems, allow cardiac arrhythmias to subside,  lower BP,  combat anxiety and insomnia, and serve as tonic for nervous system.

        VISION   OF   DR.  ANDREW  WEIL :

        Imagine a future world in which medicine is oriented towards healing rather than disease, where doctors believe in the natural healing capacity of human beings, and emphasize prevention above treatment.  Except for urgent care facilities, hospitals in such a world, might more resemble spas, where patients could learn and practice the principles  of healthy living, where they would learn to eat and prepare healthy food, learn to take care of the physical needs of their bodies, learn to use their minds in the service of healing, and become less dependant on health professionals.  Even in urgent care facilities, technology would be used to help the healing system, as by stimulating regeneration of damaged organs.  In these facilities, the best ideas and methods of both conventional and alternative medicine, would be available to all patients.  In such a world, doctors and patients would be partners working towards the same ends, with malpractice litigation a rare event, rather than a commonplace.

         Well, that is the gist of what this unique and  unconventional doctor with progressive ideas, has to relate for the benefit of patients, and towards a new health-oriented  (rather than disease-oriented) outlook for doctors.

                        Wishing you  all  a splendid  week ahead,            Krishna  M.  Gutala

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