Thursday, March 31, 2011

Practical use of Philosophy


" He that abstains to help the rolling wheels of this great world,
glutting his idle senses, lives a lost life, shameful and vain " --- Geetha.

Many people feel that most of the talks on philosophy, the observances and rituals of religion,
the pursuits towards spiritual progress, and the deliberations on abstract Vedantic concepts and
enunciations ----all these are not of any earthly use and material benefit, and, are mere exercises
in futility; they are mere ineffectual indulgences of those who have nothing better to do;
they are just wishful thinking aiming at some impracticable ideals and unattainable goals; they are
often in the realms of the abstract that are unverifiable and even inconceivable. Queries are often
posed: Were they and would they be able to face and meet the innumerable actual problems
and challenges faced by either individuals or societies or nations ? Can they disclose or declare
any distinct acheivementsas compared to the incredible advances and progress acheived thru
sciences and technology, the vast strides made in the improvements in standards of living, with the unbeleivable capabilities of the many gadgets and conveniences, as also the great advances in the
communication systems ? ---- Such would be the natural queries of one's modern, rational and
analysing mind, especially when not sufficiently exposed to philosophical and spiritual disciplines.

All well said, ably argued and good queries posed. They have to be answered. Well, one thing
needs mention at this juncture. The realms of philosophy and spiritualism address themselves to
subtler areas not perhaps covered and explored by those of material sciences and technology.
However, religion, philosophy or spiritualism,---- if they have no concern for, or impact on, the life
of an individual, ------ if they do not create a healthy and positive attitude of mind towards life and
in one's outlook, ----- if they do not enable one to aspire for peace of mind and equanimity even
in an ambience of turbulence and chaos, ----- if they do not induce resilience and composure in
face of disappointments and frustrations, ----- if they do not aim at transforming the individual to
be a better person than before, more gentle and sober, more balanced and equanimous,
----- if they do not sow seeds of benevolence and compassion towards others, in one's thoughts
and deeds, but on the other hand create rifts and divisions, ----- if they do not kindle hope and
courage in minds depressed by and burdened with life's endless problems and challenges, -------
if they do not inspire one to spread the message of universal love and affection towards all living beings, ----- if they do not develop concentration and sharpness of mind set to acheive the cherished goals in life, ----- if they do not reveal the principle and process of cause and effect,
and that all actions good or bad have their inevitable consequences, ----- if they do not inculcate
the realisation of Oneness and Unity amidst all diversities,-------- and if they do not confer on the individual at least some, if not all, of the qualities and benefits listed above, --------- then alas,
whatever topic, subject, realm of knowledge, or field of activity it be, it serves no purpose,
and its pursuit would indeed be an exercise in futility as alleged !

Now, here is a song-poem from my book: ' Random Musings ' :


There is nothing you would'nt get
If you try properly ;
Only thing, you should try
Properly properly.

God will give all what you want
If you pray properly ;
Only thing, you should pray
Properly properly.

All the problems of thy life
Thou can solve properly ;
Only thing, you should have
Faith in God properly.

All the peoples in this world
Will love thee properly ;
Only thing, love you them
Properly properly.

Whatever you think or say,
Whatever you do in life,
Think or say or do it, BUT
Properly properly !


Next, some gleanings from ' Random Musings ' :

Love is the universal solvent, an elixir, in which the ego is dissolved,
to taste the bliss of the Nectar Divine !
* * *
Universal love leading to peace, solace and happiness,
has to be the core of any religion.
* * *
One should experience more pleasure in giving than in receiving.
* * *
To serve its rightful purpose, money like blood in a living body,
should be in circulation.
* * *
Most of the cravings we harbor, to make us cheerful and happy,
are likely to turn out to be illusory, ephemeral or deceptive.
In our account ledger of happiness, we wish entries in the
credit column, but alas, often find them on the debit side !
* * *
Every machine, whatever type it be, surely needs periodic servicing.
The human machine is no exception.
Rather it is a highly sophisticated working and thinking machine.
Needs daily servicing, physical and mental.
Physical thru exercise, and mental thru knowledge, prayer and meditation.

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