Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vedic Mathematics


Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha Maharaj, Sankaracharya of Puri, over half a
century back proposed to publish an Appendix of Atharva Veda where some

sixteen mathematical formulae are found. During eighties an English book
entitled "Vedic Mathematics" was published. Swamiji had said some asked him
whether it was maths or magic. He said it was both. Magic before following
it and maths after understanding it.  Those sixteen formulae are capable of
infinite applicatin in Maths.  By applying them, multiplication and division of
huge figures could be done in few moments, without resorting to scores of steps
as at present.  Swamiji claimed that with instruction based on Vedic Maths,
he could turn out a complete mathematician in the couse of a few months. There
are no mathematical secrets unknown to Vedic Mathematics.

     Something interesting, is it not ?  You may pl check on Internet for the book.

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