Monday, May 9, 2011

Some Interesting Tidbits


  " Life involves a continuous process of compromises and adjustments with people around, and with environment. One who is not capable of, or is not prepared for, that,  alas! distances himself from peace and happiness in life "     ( Spring Leaves  by  KMG )

      Hello to you all !  Somvaar Suprabhaath !

      Today we will have an easy, fun topic.  Transmitting some interesting little tidbits, some you perhaps may be already knowing. Of course, a word of caution. It is hoped that all are correct. If not, you may please inform me, so that I can also correct.       
OK, here they are !

    1.  'Dreamt' is the only English word that ends in letters  'mt'.
    2.  Our eyes are always the same size from birth.
    3.  The sentence " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet. 
    4.  The word 'racecar',  'kayak', 'level', are the same, whether they are read left to right, or right to left, and called 'palindromes'.
    5.  'Hungry' and 'Angry'  are the only two words in English that end in  'gry'. 
    6.  There are only four words in English language, which end in 'dous' :  tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, hazardous. 
    7.  There are only three words in English  that start with  'dw' : 'dwell',  'dwarf', and  'dwindle'. 
    8.  There are only two words in English that have all the five vowels in their sequence (i.e., a e i o u): 'abstemious' and 'facetious'. 
    9.  TYPEWRITER  is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. 
    10. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. 
    11. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. 
    12. A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time  for 1/100 th of a second. 
    13. A snail can sleep for  three years. 
    14. Almonds are a member of the peach family. 
    15. An ostrich's eye  is bigger than its brain. 
    16. Babies are born without kneecaps.  They do not appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age. 
    17. February 1865 is the only month in recorded history, not to have a full moon. 
    18. Leonardo Da Vinci  invented the  scissors. 
    19. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of  dynamite ! 
    20. Rubber bands last longer  when refrigerated. 
    21. The microwave  was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube, and a chocolate  melted in his pocket ! 
    22. The winter of 1932 was so severely cold that the Niagara Falls froze completely solid ! 
    23. Winston Churchill was born in a Ladies' Room, during a dance. 
    24. Women blink  nearly twice as much as men do. 

         Now a bit of spice !  A song of mine " Sing Away Thy Life", from the book  "Random Musings" :

                                SING  AWAY  THY  LIFE

                        Sing away thy life, 
                        Sing away thy life ! 
                        Whether light with bubbling joy, 
                        Or heavy with painful strife, 
                        Sing away thy life !

                        As the bird soars in the sky, 
                        As the fish swims in the sea, 
                        Let thy free spirit ever glide
                        Through realms of unbounded glee. 
                        Sing away thy life !

                        There are Powers beyond thee
                        That mold and shape thy destiny; 
                        Do thy part well and believe 
                        He shall justly reward thee. 
                        Sing away thy life !

                        Life hath its ups and downs, 
                        For that's the way it is ! 
                        But hark,  Faith is all you need 
                        To keep thy life at ease !
                        Sing away thy life ! 

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