Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stress & Musings on People


Boris Becker. A great name in the world of tennis. Thrice Wimbledon champion. Retired in 1999. Then he seems to have lost his cool. Said to have not only taken to sleeping pills and alcohol, but in a moment of depression, one evening, is stated to have asked his wife to shoot him ! The reason for that turn of events is stated to be 'stress'. Not so rarely, great celebrities, rolling in wealth and fame, especially in the tinsel world, are said to stoop to committing suicide due to 'stress'. A mental malady that robs all melody in life !
It is one of the undesirable byproducts of modern civilization, especially in developed countries. A common complaint, more so in executives and those in higher rungs of power and responsibility. Once the mind falls a prey to it, it consumes like a termite, leading to a persistent feeling of tension and distress. It is caused by over-anxiety and excessive fear. It is an obsession of the mind with problems, some real and some imaginary. It could be official, social, financial or even domestic. It is a feeling of one's inability to cope up with certain situations. In a way, it is taking life too seriously ! Then, there are courses and discourses on 'stress management'. The basic fact about it is that it is solely concerned with the mind. Mental agitations and turbulence, and losing mental equipoise and rational thinking. Hence, soothing and tranquilising the mind seems to be the obvious remedy. It is perhaps akin to tackling worry (its younger cousin ! ) for which some remedies were suggested in Fri-Call of 03 Oct 03. Howevere, a more abiding and fundamental solution lies in trying to turn and tune the mind to the Divine, some Higher Power that is governing this entire universe. Cultivating faith and finding succour in It's Grace, could greatly lighten the burden and quiten the mental turbulence. One simple rule worth being rooted in: Whatever may happen, and whatever anyone might say, seek solace in Him. Great saints and devotees were not without problems and ailments, but they sought solace in the Supreme Self, and quietly and courageously faced the world. Implicit and unswerving faith in the Divine, imparts one with incredible strength and forbearance.

Now to Fri-Call poem and musings:

All talents whatever they be, are gifts of God, blessings of the Divine. All great devotees considered themselvers as instruments of the Supreme Being. Whether it is the celebrated saint-composer Meera, or the immortal Telugu poet Pothana, they considered themselves as mere mouth-pieces of the Supreme Lord. In that orientation, here is a poem from my 'Random Musings':

Me Lord, let me be the flute
In Thy Dexterous Hands
Through which Thou Play
Thy Music Divine.

Let me be the brush
In Thy Subtle Hands
With which Thou Paint
Thy Scenes Divine.

Let me be the quill
In Thy Poetic Hands
With which Thou Write
Thy Songs Divine.

Let me the bowl
In Thy Graceful Hands
In which Thou Fill
Thy Nectar Divine.

Me Lord, let me be blessed
By Thy Merciful Love
And serve Thy Purpose
By Thy Grace Divine !


Some musings: (from 'Random Musings' and 'Pearls of Wisdom' )

Everyone in this world has some plus points and some minus ones. Progress lies in
identifying them, and increasing the former and reducing the latter. However, the big mistake one tends to commit is to assume that there are none of the latter category !
* * *
Every machine whatever type it be, surely needs periodic servicing. The human machine
is no exception. Rather it is something special. It is a highly sophisticated thinking and working
machine. Needs daily servicing, both physical and mental. Physical thru exercise whatever it be,
and mental thru enlightening reading, prayer and meditation, to keep it ever tidy and trim.
* * *
Concerning human natures and behaviours, the only generalisation that can be made is
that no generalisation can be made !
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The biggest bluff in the world is when anyone says or listens that there are any two
people in this world who entirely and unreservedly agree in EVERYTHING that they think, say
and do !
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As age piles up, one has to aspire for essentially three things: Good health, Cheer, and
Wisdom (Swasthatha, Prasannatha, and Gnyaana ) from the three aspects of physical, mental
and spiritual.
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To make a mistake is not that bad as not to learn from it, and make it again !
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Better than gaining money and losing health, is even losing money but preserving
* * *
Ultimately what matters is what one has done for others, and not what was done for

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