Thursday, March 31, 2011

Humor and Diversion in Life


You know there is something special about this month ? Oh my, such a month will come again only after 28 years ! The special aspect is that there are five Sundays occuring, tho this is the shortest month of the year. Simple fact, but still interesting. This sets the tone for this week's Fri-Call.

One must have occasionally, whenever possible, some fun and frolic, some diversion and relaxation, taking things in a lighter vein. Humor is an indispensible and valuable component
of our lives. All great people had a sense of humor. There are books: 'Lincoln's Wit', 'Kennedy's
Wit' etc. Mahatma Gandhi was noted for his humor. He is supposed to have once said "If I had
no sense of humor, I should have long ago commited suicide ! ".
Actually, life is not meant to be taken too seriously (mind the word 'too'). Too much of
anything is bad. " Athi sarvathra Varjayeth " (Extremes are always to be avoided). You know
what Bernard Shaw exclaimed on receiving news of Mahatma Gandh's assasination ?
" How dangerous it is to be too good ! ". Even scriptures have statements such as "Religion is not too much fasting, or too much feasting" (Geetha).
This word 'too' has a cooperative cousin in the oft occuring prefix 'over-' which creates
many a problem. Consider the words: "overreact", "oversensitive", "overindulge",
"overcautious", "overburdened", etc. There are some who are overconscious of their health.
At the very first sneeze, they run to a doctor. Perhaps they have not yet heard that common cold runs its full course of a week if left to itself, but with proper treatment, vanishes in a
mere seven days ! Some others feel they are overburdened with the world, or with their
professional demands ; some others with family responsibilities, or financial commitments etc.
In such situations, better they learn practising ' T I E ' formula: ' Take It Easy ' !
Of couse it is not that easy, but has to be assiduously tried. Many problems appear over and over again due to this prefix 'over'. "Be not overglad attaining joy, and be not oversad
encountering grief" (Geetha). A balanced outlook and moderation in all situations, is conducive
to peace of mind. "Equanimity is Yoga" (Geetha).

In short, don't be 'too - - - ' and don't become 'over- - - - ' ever !

The next step is to lighten the mind with relaxation and diversion. One must collect good
jokes, humorous anecdotes, interesting quiz, and never skip features like 'Laughter The
Best Medicine', 'Humor Heals' etc.
Well, nothing in the above paras, or the emphasis on diversion, is meant to underestimate
the need and inevitability of hard and sincere work, and, dedication to and concentration on whatever one takes up. The only thing is, one shouldn't get overanxious or obsessed
with it. One shouldn't feel that the whole world is being carried on one's head ! Atleast
occasionally, make it a point to relax, laugh, and enjoy !

Now a poem. Often we make good plans for outing during weekends. But alas, they get
washed off - - - -. A poem on this theme, from 'Random Musings' :


Lo, the weekend hath come, and so hath the rain --
The rain that crouches from Mon thru Fri
In an unknown cave unseen, leaps forward with pride
Sat'day morn without fail !

It comes not alone nor in silence -----
With pomp and pageantry,
With deafening thunder and blinding lightning ,
With gales so wild and stormy, uprooting trees and creating scenes - - -

The rain and its retinue enjoy the fun !
Look at their eyes glowing with pride,
Hark their trumpets blowing resounding victory - - -
In dispelling with meticulous care, all thy thoughts, hopes and plans
For a merry weekend and pleasant play !

Now, a collection of some lines of humor, from here and there - - - -

Just For Fun

Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves.
After marriage, the 'y' becomes silent.
* * *
The preacher prays for all. The lawyer pleads for all.
The doctor prescribes for all. The common man pays for all.
* * *
A good lawyer knows the Law. A great lawyer knows the Judge !
* * *
A spouse: Someone who will stand by you thru all the troubles,
which you wouldn't have had if you had stayed single !
* * *
Son: Father, we will become rich very soon !
Father: How son ?
Son: Because my Math's teacher taught us how to convert paise into rupees !
* * *
Rahul: I want to measure the height of the ladder, but it is very high.
Rohit: It is so simple Rahul, lay it on the ground and measure it !
Rahul: Don't be silly Yaar, I want to measure its height, not length !

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