Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is there God ? & Musings on God


" Is there God ? If there be one, can you show me ? " This query has been ever being posed by man from the hoary past till even today. The inquisitive, discriminative and intelligent mind of man has been ever demanding an answer, a satisfactory answer, a rational and convincing answer to this question
not by way of blind faith, but as an eye-opener to the utter truth. Allied queries like: " What is this world, with its confusions, confrontations, and sorrows, though with occasional fleeting glimpses of happiness, thrown in as crumbs of bread to a pet ? What is behind this all ? What is the purpose of life ? Is there no abiding serene happiness that knows no turbulence ? " , such queries have always been cropping up in the thinking human.
Unfortunately, this question re: God, has been tied up with religion. People world over, segregated into different religious communities, have been influenced and indoctrinated by their individual religious convictions, and commanded to stick to them, restricting their freedom of thought and investigation. There was one great country however in the Orient, the country now called India, where Seers of Truth and Wisdom intuitively and objectively considered the problem in all its aspects comprehensively, went into deep introspection and arrived at the most satisfying, rational and convincing answers (to the main as well as the allied queries), and treasured them in our great Upanishadic revelations. They propounded that what exists is just Truth which is not conditioned or influenced by country or clime, race or religion, or even time, and that It is eternal, universal, ever true, immutable and all-embracing. The goal of life should be to study and contemplate, understand and imbibe That, to make our lives worthwhile and purposeful.

Now, a poem and some musings from my books: 'Random Musings' and 'Pearls of Wisdom'.

Me Lord ! To those that ask
Show where Thou art,
What shall I say
To make them believe ?

Shalt I say --
Become the salt-doll
That ventures to fathom
The depth of the sea ?

From glare of the world
They enter Thy chamber ;
Their eyes seeth darkness,
They see Thee not.

Like the forgetful mother
On her anxious errand,
Searching for her babe,
Quiet asleep in the cradle !

Or like the circle
Searching for its center
Frantically all around
But alas, outside of itself !

Me Lord !
For Thee they search
And find Thee not,
And ask where Thou art !


Never in thy life, even in utter loneliness, think that thou art alone in this world;
know that He is always with you, nay ! within you.
* * *
When thou in trouble, think of the Lord who always saved thee ;
believe in the Lord who will always save thee.
* *
Wherever you live, you can live in God. Everywhere is nothing but God's infinitely vast extension.
His very Expression !
* * *
God likes only the herioc and the strong-willed !
* *
Engineers may atmost build dams. But, who fills the reservoirs ?
Alas ! Man boasts of 'conquering' nature !
* *
When someone loves you and is good to you, you turn to Him to express gratefulness.
When someone turns out to be bad to you, you pathetically surely turn to Him.
Thus you are ever towards Him !
* * *
Creative art in itself has an inherent happiness. When a poet, painter, or musician creates
a good piece of art, he or she experiences an indescribable pleasure, a moment of supreme
satisfaction and fulfilment, a serene joy, perhaps akin to that of the mother at the first glimpse
of her just-born charming babe. If such small creations themselves bring about so much joy,
what an Infinite Happiness must God represent, One Who creates all, creates everything !

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