Sunday, August 21, 2011

India's Ancient Scriptural Heritage


We are all familiar with the Seven Wonders of the World. This set keeps changing from time to time.  Also, they are geographically distributed worldwide.  No doubt they may have distinctly special and outstanding characteristics. But there has never been a single Wonder which eternally remained as a wonder.  But there is one Wonder, a very very ancient Wonder, a Wonder of Wonders indeed, a Wonder which has to be universally accepted, as almost incredible. That unique Wonder is the  Veda-s  of ancient India, the ancient  Aryavarta.

      The oldest portions of the Veda-s  are said by some to date back as early as about six millenium B.C.  The four Veda-s: Rig, Yajur, Saama and Atharva, are said to include over one lakh ( 100,000 ) verses. At that point of time,  even the writing facility (be it of whatever type) had not developed. So much so, those 100,000 verses were orally transmitted over those millinea, and written down in Sanskrit much much later.  Transmitted from mouth to mouth, from preceptor to disciple, in a Guru-sishya parampara, thru all these millinea. Even the palmyra leaves, and later the coppper plates, are relatively recent developments. Hundred thousand verses, orally transmitted, thru over six millinea or more, intact with specific intonation in a musical scale, for every one of the verses !  Almost an incredible power of memory in human history !  Could there be a greater Wonder in this world ?  Yes, this happened in ancient Aryavarta.  And today we have with us most of the verses intact. It was God's Will !  Well, thru the Veda-s , Eternal Wisdom (offering guidelines to humans world over even now, and valid for ever), shone with dazzling brightness, in sixth millenium B.C. itself, when the rest of the world was steeped in the darkness of ignorance!  Indeed we must feel proud that we are the children of that hallowed land !  ..... Krishna  M.  Gutala 

       Hello to you all !                                           Somvaar  Suprabhaath !

      Today's  topics are a very brief survey of India's  ancient scriptural heritage, covering : 

Sruthi-s  (Veda-s), Upa-Veda-s,  Vedaanga-s, Smrithi-s,  Epics or Itihaasa-s, Puranas and Agama-s,  and  Darsana-s.  Just a mere glimpse of what they are :

                                        INDIA'S    ANCIENT   SCRIPTURAL    HERITAGE

      1.  SRUTHI-S :  The first set of books -- the primary authority of Hindus -- are Sruthi-s or Veda-s.   Veda-s are 'apourusheya' (not written by any persons).  From the vibrations of  OM the four Veda-s are said to have appeared, and were taught to Brahma by the Supreme Lord.  Sage Vyaasa codified the four Veda-s. His disciples  Paila, Vysampaayanaa, Jaimini, and Sumantha, passed them on to their disciples and the process continued. 

Rig Veda :  Hymns in praise of the Divine.       

Yajur Veda :  Hymns for religious rituals and rites.     
Saama Veda: Musical form of Rig Veda.
Atharva Veda : 
For material and daily working purposes.

Parts of the Veda-s:  Each Veda consists of four parts: 
1. Mantra-s or Samhita (Hymns)    
2. Brahmana-s  (explanatory treatises of the Mantra-s).
3. Aranyaka-s  (mystical interpretations of Mantra-s and rituals), and,   4. Upanishad-s (being at the end, called Vedanta i.e.,, Veda -- anta). These are about 108 out of whiich, twelve are major and important:  Isavasya, Kena, katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Maandukya, Aithereya, Thaittereya,  Chandogya, Brihadaaranyaka, Koushitaki and  Swethaasvatara.

      The next set of books are the  Upa-Veda-s  (four in number):  1. Ayurveda  (practised by Charaka,  Susruta  etc).   2. Dhanurveda  (archery and weapons)     3. Gandharva Veda (music and dance).  Sage Bharata  wrote the Naatya Sastra.      4. Artha Sastra  (politics, administration, and commerce).

      Next are the  Vedanga-s :   These are the explanatory limbs of the Veda-s:  

1. Siksha.  by Sage Paanini  ( phonetics  and  pronunciation )
2. Vyaakarana.  by Sage Paanini  (grammar)     

3. Niruktha.  Science of etymology  -- words in the Vedic Mantra-s  (linguistics)
4. Chhandhas  Sastra .  Prosody or meter.  Art of versification.       

5. Kalpa Sastra.  Science of religious rituals and ceremonies,   and lastly
6. Jyothisha.  Astronomy and astrology.      ( Aryabhatta, the ancient Indian astronomer, opined that the earth moved round the Sun ). 

      2.  Smrithi-s ;  That which is remembered is smrithi.  These are the later human compositions.  They are the  Dharma Sastra-s  or  Laws governing  righteous conduct. There are eighteen  smrithi-s  in all. There were many Law-givers like  Manu,  Yaagnyavalka,  Shankha,  Likhitha,  Naarada, Gouthama, Paraasara etc.  Both Sruthi-s and Smrithi-s are read and memorised by scholars.

      3.  The third set of books are the  Epics  or  Itihaasa-s,  like the Ramayana  and  Maha Bhaarata.

      4.  The fourth set of books are the  Puraana-s.  There are eighteen Puraana-s  of which the Maha Bhaagavata,  Vishnu Puraanaa and the Markandeya  Puraana, are the most popular.  Also there are eighteen Subsidiary  or  Upa-Puraana-s.  Mostly stories and tales for religious education of the  common folks.  Dasaavatara-s  also appear in the Puraana-s.

      5.  The fifth set of scriptures are the  Aagama-s.  Theological doctrines for worship of Deities. From these have sprung the sects of  Saiva, Vyshnava and  Shaakta.  In Vyshnava  Aagama, there are two main schools:  Pancharaatra  and  Vykhaanasa,  both glorifying Lord Vishnu.   The  Shaakta  Aagama  glorifies the Goddess  Devi. This Aagama includes the Taantric  and  occult practices.   Each Aagama has several sections. First part consists of philosophy and spiritual knowledge behind the worship of the Deity.  Second part covers  Yoga and mental discipline.  The third part is regarding Temple construction.  The fourth regarding  Rules for religious rites and rituals at home, and, community and religious festivals. 

      6.  Lastly the  Darsana-s  ( Visions or schools of philosophy ).  These are six which are :   1. Nyaaya ( involving  logic and reasoning )   2. Vyseshika, the earliest concept of the universe as consisting of countless atoms each distinct.    3. Saankhya:  Believes in universe consisting of two elements, the Purusha  and the Prakriti.    4.  Yoga:  Accepts Saankhya but uses system  of mind-control.       5.  Meemaamsa:  Vedic rituals (Yagnya-s)  and  sacrifices.   Lastly the  Vedanta. Based on the Upanishads. They stress on individual spiritual experience.

NB:  The above  narration  is   Notes from the book  "Hinduism :  An  Introductioon"  by  Sakuntala  Jagannathan.

This in short  gives a peep into our treasureless  ancient  Scriptural  Heritage.
Wishing  you  all  a  splendid week ahead,
..........Krishna  M.  Gutala

He who knows   and knows that he knows   is wise.     Follow hiim
He who knows  and  knows not that he knows   is   asleep.   Awake him
He who knows not    and  knows he knows not    is   ignorant.    Teach him
He who knows not     and knows not that he knows not    is   a fool.    Shun him !


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