Sunday, April 24, 2011

Health is Wealth


" The rose tree has both lovely flowers, as well as prickly thorns.              
If your eyes are on flowers, you experience serenity and haappiness.               
But if your looks are on thorns, you would feel distress and repulsion.               
So also with the world which has both good things and bad "                         
 (Spring Leaves   by  KMG)       

Today, felt like presenting something concerning health. 'Health is wealth' , so it is said.  Mere wealth by itself is not enuf for one's  happiness. A sound mind needs a healthy body. Hence we have to take good care of our health. Herewith are some 'Twenty- five  'tips' for a healthy heart'.  May be we might have been knowing most of them, but thought good to be reminded, in the interests of our health, to ensure that we implement them in our daily lives :        
1.  Eat more of grains, vegetables, beans, greens, fruits, seeds  and  yogurt.       
2.  Eat less of milk, cheese and nuts.       
3.  Add  garlic  to your recipes.       
4.  Have  beta-carotene  available in :  carrots, cabbage, sweet-potatoes, and dark leafy greens.       
5.  Reduce  sodium.  Intake be no more than 1.25 teaspoons of salt per day      
 6.  Have  regular meals.       
7.  Drink enuf water  throughout the day.       
8.  Switch  from  coffee to tea.       
9.  Exercise  regularly       
10. Take the stairs (at least in case of a few flights of steps), to the extent possible, instead of always using the elevator or escalator.       
11. Do some house-work.  Take it as an extra chance to exercise.       
12. Healthy weight  should be maintained.       
13. Quit  smoking      
14. Avoid  alcohol.       
15. Have  adequate  sleep.       
16. Monitor blood-pressure  frequently       
17. Occasionally  get cholestrol checked.       
18. Let work schedule  be regular, as far as possible, to avoid stress.       
19. Practice  stress-reduction  tekniks  such as deep-breathing, yoga  and  meditation.       
20. Know that  laughter is a good medicine.       
21. Have  medical check-ups  regularly       
22. Keep  diabetes  (if you have)  under control.       
23. Family history of  cardiovascular disease  be known.       
24. Give and receive Love      
25. Do  take  (do not neglect) any medications regularly, those  prescribed by your  Doctor. 
Remember that exercise  is only one link to a complete program of well-being. Mental, spiritual and psychological  'work-outs'  are just as important.  your body will repay you.
The only thing left is  . . .    JUST   DO   IT.       
 ( Source:  A mail received  from my friend Sri. G.V. Subrahmanyam. 
The intent  of the above narration  was to highlight  its  content).   So, let us scrupulously  implement the above counsels, and keep ourselves  healthy  and  happy !

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