Sunday, April 24, 2011

Madhuri Dixit Srivaaru

Hope you all  had a Happy Sankranth, and a pleasant weekend. Slowly, thoughslowly, the days would be becoming longer, and hopefully, the weather in due coursebegins getting warmer, resulting in a pleasant climate. So nice days ahead !      
Sometimes it is good to have some fun once a while !  That is one thing we should learn from young folk.  Well,  why not today ?  OK, I will go ahead.        Bollywood engages us at least a portion of our time. A great Star of yester years ( perhaps even now) is the inimitable Madhuri Dikshit. In the recent past, even a film came in Hindi entitled 'I want to become Madhuri Dikshit' (translation), wherein a simple village girl aspires to become famous as the renowned Actress.     

 I have woven a short skit concerning her, on an interesting aspect. Now listen:        This skit involves three Telugu friends -  Gopal, Anil and Ramu, a loving bunch. The trio one fine evening, leisurely strolled into a nearby Park. Beautiful colorful flowers, lush green lawns, children swinging and screaming, .... all cheerful sights !After a stroll, they settled on a bench. The conversations at one stage touched Bollywood films, heroes and heroines. Suddenly Gopal recollected a query, something about which, he desired to know since a long time.  
Gopal:  Aye Anil !  Do you know who the hubby of Madhuri Dikshit is ?
Anil:   Nay-Nay*
       ( * 'Nay-Nay' in Telugu means  'myself' )
Gopal:  Oh God !  Yourself ?  Don't be crazy! I am asking about the husband of the
           famous Hindi Star  Madhuri Dikshit !
Anil:   Yes, I got it.  Nay-Nay.
Gopal thougt Anil was nuts. No use asking him. He turned to the other side to Ramu.
Gopal:  Hey Ramu! At least you tell me, do you know the answer ?
Ramu:  yes, Nay-Nay.
Gopal thought that something  was wrong with those guys. He had nothing else
to do except to change the topic.  After a while, they dispersed.
    But, the query was however continuously pestering Gopal. The thing was, whomsoever he asked, the same reply was forthcoming. He tried to erase the query from his mind, but couldn't.  Subsequently, after a few days, he learnt thru a friend that some film-shooting was going on near their town, and that the heroine was none other than Madhuri Dikshit !  Gopal's joy knew no bounds. 'Why should I ask all and sundry ?I would know it right from the horse's mouth!' thought Gopal.     

Gopal made further enquiries, and learnt about the place and timing of the shootings. He managed to take leave on that day, went to the shooting sight, waited till the heroine returned to the green-room. He somehow managed to get entry to her room, posing as a News Reporter. The great moment at last arrived.
Gopal:  Madhuriji, namaskaar !  I am Gopal Verma, a Reporter for Andhra Times, a popular Telugu Daily here. Glad that the film-shooting is being done close to our town, and I could get this opportunity of meeting you. I am very happy at this, and thank you for this privilege.  You see, my main purpose of meeting you is to ascertain some personal info from you. I only hope I wouldn't be .... . embarassing you !  I am feeling rather delicate to ask . . .. . . . 
Madhuri:  OK, no problem.  You may ask whatever you  wish to.  I will answer accordingly.
Gopal:  Madhuriji,  you are a celebrated Star, and the reigning  Queen of Bollywood !      I learnt that you were married sometime back.  May I please know who your spouse is ?
Madhuri:  Nay-Nay.  I thought you would be asking a more probing question ! 
 Gopal was stunned, and was at his wit's end !  He ventured to ask further.
Gopal:  Madhuriji,  excuse me, I am asking about your husband's  name.  Since quite some time, whomsoever I asked this query, he used to  say 'Myself' !  Pl tell me how can           that be ?  Pl enlighten me !  
Madhuri:  Well, I now understood your plight !  You see,  my husband resides in  LA in   States.  He is a Maharashtrian, and his name is Dr. Nene.  Is your query answered?
Gopal:  Yes, Madhuriji, I feel quite relieved ! Sorry I have taken so much of your precious  time.  Thank you very much.      
Gopal recovered, and felt remorseful that he silently cursed unnecessarily so many people, including his dearest bosom friends, in the previous fortnight.
      Well, that's it,  the 'much ado about nothing' concerning the name of Madhuri Srivaaru !

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