Monday, April 4, 2011

Twenty Gems from Geetha


Aakaasaath pathitham thoayam yadhha gachchhathi saagaram
Sarva Deva namaskaaram Kesavam prathi gachchhathi

(just as all the water that drops from the sky, finds its way to the Ocean, so also, salutations to any of the Gods, finally reach Kesava,the Supreme Lord)

Hello Everyone ! Sukravaaram Suprabhaath !

The Vedas are the primary and basic Scripture of India. They comprise of
both the ritualistic aspect as well as the philosophic aspect, called 'Vedanta',
contained in the various Upanishads. It is stated figuratively that Lord Krishna,
the Divine Cowherd, milked all the Upanishad-cows, and offered the divine
nectar in the form of 'Geetha', which is thus the quintessence of the ancient
wisdom of India. From out of its seven hundred verses, here are twenty of its
precious gems randomly picked up (from 'Song Celestial', an English poetic
translation by Sir Edwin Arnold) :

1. Steadfast a lamp burns sheltered from the wind.
Such is the likeness of the Yogi's mind, shut from
Sense-storms and burning bright to heaven.

2. Who trobleth not his kind, and is not troubled by them,
Clear of wrath, living too high for gladness, grief or fear, that man I love.
Who fixed in Faith on Me, dotes upon none, scorns none,
Rejoices not and grieves not, letting good or evil hap,
Light when it will, and when it will depart, that man I love.

3. He that abstains to help the rolling wheels of this great world,
Glutting his idle senses, lives a lost life, shameful and vain.

4. Love of lonely study, humbleness, uprightness, heed to injure
Nought which lives, truthfulness, slowness unto wrath,
A mind that lightly letteth go what others prize; and equanimity, and
Charity which spieth no man's faults,and tenderness towards all that suffer,
A contented heart,fluttered by no desires;a bearing mild, modest and grave
With manhood nobly mixed, with patience, fortitude and purity,
Such be the signs of him whose feet are set on that fair path
Which leads to heavenly birth.

5. Deceitfulness, and arrogance, and pride, quickness to anger,
Harsh and evil speech, and ignorance, to its own darkness blind ---
These be the signs of him whose birth is fated for the regions of the vile.

6. Learn from Me the makings five that go to make every act --
First the force, then the agent, next the various instruments,
Fourth the especial effort, fifth God. What work soever any mortal doeth,
Of body, mind or speech, evil or good, by these five doth he that.

7. Whereso any doeth all his deeds renoncing self for Me, full of Me,
Fixed to serve only the Highest, night and day musing on Me,
Him will I swiftly lift forth from life's ocean of distress and death.

8. Abstaining from a work by right prescribed, never is meet! So to abstain
Doth spring fro darkness, and delusion teacheth it. But abstaining from
Attachment to the work, abstaining from rewardment in the work,
While one doeth it full faithfully, saying 'it is right to do', that is 'true' act,
And abstinence! Who doeth duties so, unvexed if his work fail, if it succeed
Unflattered, in his own heart justified, quit of debates and doubts,
His is 'true' act.

9. Call that the true piety which most removes earth-aches and ills, where
One is moderate in eating and in resting, and in sport; measured in wish
And act; sleeping betimes, waking betimes for duty.

10. The doors of hell are threefold, whereby men to ruin pass -----
The door of lust, the door of wrath, and the door of avarice.
Let a man shun these three. He who shall turn aside from entering
All those three gates of narak, wendeth straight to find his peace,
And comes to Swarga's gate.

11. The wise call that man wise, who dwells with equal calm,
taking what may befall, by grief unmoved, unmoved by joy, unenvyingly,
The same in good and evil fortunes; nowise bound by bond of deeds.

12. I am not known to evil-doers, nor to foolish ones, nor to the base
And churlish, nor to those whose mind is cheated by the show of things,
Nor those that take the way of Asuras. Four sorts of mortals know Me --
He who weeps (is dissatisfied), and the man who earns to know,
And he who toils to help, and he who sits certain of Me, enlightened.

13. The mind that gives itself to follow shows of sense, seeth its helm
Of wisdom rent away, and like a ship in waves of whirlwind,
Drives to wreck and death.

14. This is better that one do his own task as he may, even though he fail,
Than take tasks not his own, though they seem good.

15. Beyond denial, hard man's heart is to restrain, and wavering; yet may it
Grow restrained by habit, by wont of self-command.

16. He who shall draw, as the wise tortoise draws its four feet feet
Safe under its shield, his five frail senses back under the Spirit's buckler
From the world, which else assails them, such an one has wisdom's mark.

17. If one deals with objects of sense not loving,and not hating,making them
Serve his free soul, which rests serenely lord, such a man comes to tranquility

18. Do all thou dost for Me. Renounce for Me. Sacrifice heart, mind and will to Me.
Live in faith of Me. In faith of Me, all dangers thou shalt vanquish.

19. Find full reward of doing right in right! Let right deeds be thy motive,
Not the fruit which comes from them.

20. Be certain, none can perish trusting Me. Whosoever will turn to Me,
Though they be born from the very womb of sin, woman or man ----
All plant foot on the highest path.

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