Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Variety is the Spice of Life - Part 2


Now the second instalment and the final quiz (from same source and a few from other)

1.On a table were 5 polythene bags all having sweets. In the first four were in all 84 sweets. The fifth one had 4 sweets less than the overall mean. How many were there in the 5th bag?

2. Some friends went to an orchard. they plucked mangoes, guava and oranges. Then they ate the plucked fruits. Each ate one guava.Two of them ate one mango.Three of them ate an orange. In all they ate 88 fruits. How many were the friends, and how many were the fruits ?

3. In 20th centuy, there is an year(of 4 Nos) that looks the same though inverted. Similar are in 19th and 17th centuries. What are those numbers ?

4. Once sage Narada took some flowers, went to Brahma and placed them at His feet. Surprisingly the flowers doubled. He took some from them, went to Vishnu and placed at His feet. The flowers again doubled. He took some from them, went to Siva and placed at his feet. The flowers doubled. The surprising thing was, the number of flowers at the feet of the three Gods, were the same. How many flowers were first placed at Brahma's feet ?

5. In a certain gathering, there were some persons. After a while, the same number were added. Then, half the original some number joined. Then, later half of half that original number, joined. Then, went I, and found we were in all 100. How many wer there at start ?

6. We have to split 45 into 4 parts, no two being the same. Now, subtract 2 from part 2  and add to part 1. Multiply part 3 by 2. Divide part 4 by 2. After these changes, all parts become equal. What were the initial four numbers ?
7. There were some mango fruits. If distributed among two persons equally, one fruit remains. If among three equally, 2 remain. If among four, 3 remain. If among five, 4 remain. if among six, five remain. But, if among seven, none remain!  How many were there at start ?

8. A milkman is selling adulterated milk having 11 parts milk and one of water. Then he mixed 5 liters of water. then there were 6 parts of milk to one of water. In all, how many litres of milk were there ?

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