Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Faith & Musings on Worry


Happy Dussehra Greetings. Advent of the pleasantest of seasons: Sharad. Navrathri festivities and celebrations. Focus on Mother Durga, symbolising Auspiciousness and Sakthi. May Divine Mother's Blessings be on one and all !

There is great power inherent in positive thinking and an optimistic outlook. Someone said: An optimist is one who finds an opportunity in every calamity, and, a pessimist one who finds a calamity in every opportunity, Verily true. However life's experiences reveal that there is even greater power in Faith, surely necessarily in oneself, but also in a Higher Power, a Supreme Divine Omnipotence. Nevertheless, worries sometimes cloud the mind and dissipate one's energies.
Listen now to some more thoughts from my books: Random Musings, and, Pearls of Wisdom:


If thy Faith doth not give thee courage in thy moments of fear,
If thy Faith doth not kindle hope in thy moments of despair,
If thy Faith doth not impart strength in thy moments of weakness,
If thy Faith tempers thee not with wisdom in moments demanding decision,
If thy Faith inspires not love in thee when overcome with hatred or jealousy,
If thy Faith doth not light up thy path in moments of utter darkness,
If thy Faith doth not shield thee against cruel arrows of misfortune,
Then alas, thy Faith is shallow. Pray HIM for deeper Faith !

Musings: On WORRY :

One way to keep away worry is, to frequently ask oneself the question: What is it that I CAN and HAVE to do NOW, and how shall I do it BEST ?
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If you have a worthy goal and purpose in life, and steadfastly strive towards it,
you are less likely to be a candidate for heart-attack !
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We are all participants in a mammoth theatrical performance, under direction of a Divine Will.
Let us play our assigned role as best as we can, and quit the stage at the end of the role.
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When in life any problem surfaces, no use lamenting the why of it. Face it squarely, try best to solve it. Do whatever is possible, or can and needs to be done. If however convinced it is insoluble, just learn to get reconciled to it, and try peaceful co-existence.
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Do the right thing at the right time in the right spirit, and then leave the rest to God !
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Failures and disappointments are as much a part of life process, as are successes and fulfilments;
all have to be taken with equal grace or nonchallance. In the game of 'Snakes and ladders' if there were to be only ladders and no snakes, how would it be? So would be life !
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Five recipes to mitigate or avoid worries in life:
1. Do not overbrood over the past, by way of what could or should have been done.
2. Indulge not in over-concern for the future, by way of anxiety of what's going to happen.
3. Develop an unswerving Faith in a Higher Power that is guiding your destiny.
4. Keep remembering the many good things that happened in life earlier, and happening even now.
5. Realise that good and bad things are part of life. Take them sportingly and graciously

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