Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Death & Musings on Death


Agnyaana thimiraandhhasya Gnyaanaanjana salaakaya
Chakshur nimeelitham yehna Thasmaisree Guraveh namaha.

( I offer my salutations to the Guru who, by the instrument of knowledge, opens the eyes of one blinded by the darkness of ignorance ).

This Fri-Call is going to deal with a topic that is unique, perhaps unexpected, and yet interesting and thought-provoking. It is an event, a situation, an occurence, about which we would not like to think of , or perhaps even listen to ; one from which we would like to be as away as possible; one to save from which we would'nt go back in spending any amount of time, money and energy; one to escape from which, not only humans but all living beings without exception, from the tiniest insect to the mammoth whale, would struggle till the last, by all means available. You would have perhaps surmised by now the topic to be 'Death' ! For the thinking mind and the analysing and investigating intellect, there is nothing that is beyond their purview, nothing that is taboo. The fact is that all the time we think, dream, plan and act in the realm of life. Why not for a while we muse (of course, not amuse!) on its culmination, its termination, called 'death' ? Because, life and death are but the two faces of the same coin. " Jaathasya maranam dhruvam ------- For one who is born, death is certain, as also, for one who is dead, rebirth is certain " ( Geetha ). Hindu mythology and scriptures dealt with this topic in great detail. They delved deep to understand the true meaning of death, as they did for the true meaning and purpose of life. The topic under the name of 'Praayana Vidya' finds a place in one of the major Upanishads. Also, an entire Upanishad deals with the dialogue between a young lad, a seeker of Truth, but who fell a victim to death, and, the very Deity of Death, to know the Truth underlying life and death.
The scriptures reveal that death is not a total end but a mere change. " Vaasaansi jeernaani -----
--- As a person casts off worn-out garments and puts on new ones, likewise, the embodied Soul discards the worn-out physical body, and enters a new one " (Geetha). Also, " Birthless, deathless, and changeless remains the Spirit for ever. Death has not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems " (Geetha). When the quintessence of ancient Wisdom says so, why disbelieve it, why doubt it, and why re-investigate it ?
The whole purpose of the Upanishadic Seers seems to be to convince us that what dies and perishes is merely the gross physical frame, the body, and not the True Self. What glad tidings that one continues to live even after the outer shell of body perishes ! Let us exult in the thought: We Never die. Yes. Verily true. The Real We Never die !


Poem: (Random Musings)

I am A traveller wearied
Been over hills and dales
Craving for sweet home !

I am An actor on the stage
Played hero and villain
Longing to be just myself !

I am The dazzling Sun
Hid behind the clouds
Seeking to shine as ever !

I am A wave of the Sea
Risen up so high
Pining to merge with the Main !

I am A speck of Divinity
Yearning to reunite
With Parent Source Divine !


Now, some of my musings on this topic, from 'Pearls of Wisdom' and 'Random Musings' :

When one crosses a pedestrian, may be there is an exchange of looks for a few moments.
With a fellow-traveller in bus, an acquiantance may develop. In a train or on a flight, the
acquiantance could be relatively longer. In increasing time-scale are the contacts with
friends, members of family, children, and finally the spouse the life-partner. Nevertheless,
it is only a wide difference in the duration of the contact. Ultimately, one is left alone,
all all alone, to fulfil one's Destiny !
* * *
Know ye, death is not afraid of you, though you are afraid of it !
* * *
For every journey undertaken in life, there are things to be packed, a ticket to be bought,
a time before which to start, and, anxiety, waiting and tension. But there is one journey for
which nothing whatsoever to be packed, no ticket to be bought, and no risk of missing the trip! It is the last journey. Ever to be ready, in an as-is-where-is state !
* * *
Death is frightening when you look upon it as an end. It loses its sting when you realise
that it is but a change !
* * *
Cowards have countless deaths a day !
* * *
The world seems to be a huge vehicle, carrying many passengers , among whom some get very close to us, creating an illusion of a permanent companionship. But alas ! when their alighting
stop comes, they quietly leave and are seen no more.
* * *
There are innumerable bubbles floating and moving on the surface of water. They arise from water, bloom for a while, and burst up merging with water. So also are all forms of life. Mere bubbles, sprung up for a while from the Pool of Universal Consciousness. Death is nought but
a mere extinction of the bubble that just merges with its source. The ego that bloated the
bubble, just disappears.

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