Saturday, April 23, 2011


07/28/08 ;
Part 1

1.  If the only sister of your mother's only brother, had an only child, what is that child to you ?
2. What has a bed, but does not sleep? A mouth but does not speak ?
3. What can you mqake, see and touch, but cannot hold ?
4. What is black when clean, but white when dirty?
5. What has a neck but no head?
6. What is it you can put in your right hand, but not in your left?
7. What is the longest word in English language?
8. Ankit was an advocate of family-planning, but still had four sons, and, each son had a sister.  How many children he had in all ?
9. What room has no walls, floor, ceiling or window ?
10. Why is a river rich ?    11. Why is noon like letter 'A' ?
12. Is it possible to drop an egg on a concrete floor, without even denting it ?
13. Two mothers and two daughters went to park. There was only one bench of three seats. But all took their seats comfortably. How ?
14. If a clock takes 2 seconds to strike 2 O'clock, how long it takes to strike 3 ?
15. What is a sport where the winners move backwards ?
16. What is it that occurs once in every minute, twice in moment, but never in year?
17. What is difference between a jailor and a watch-dealer ?
18. What is it that never asks questions, but has to be continuously answered ?
19. A man is about to hit somebody. Why is he like a clock with hands at 12-59 ?
20. Spell  'expediency' in five letters ! 
21. Why is a room full of married people  empty ?
22. How many sides has a circle ?  23. How many cookies you can take on empty stomach?

24. If 3 cats kill 3 rats in 3 mins, how long it takes 100 cats to kill 100 rats ?
25. Who is strong enuf to hold up a car with one hand ?
26. Take 2 apples from 3 apples. How many have you?
27. Where will  you always find cheap diamonds ?
28. What travels round the world, yet stays in one corner ?
29. Why is letter 't' an island?  30. What's full of holes, but can hold water ?  

Part 2

1. A forest is two km across. How far can you go into it ?
2. Is it proper for a man to marry his widow's sister ?
3. From what word of eight letters can you remove five, and still have ten?
4. Which is the strongest day of the week and why ?
5. What didn't Adam and Eve have that everyone in the world has ?
6. Where does Thursday come before Wednesday ?
7. From what number can you take away its half, and have zero left ?
8. What can be measured, but has no length, width or thickness ?
9. Why is a Doctor less likely to be upset on an ocean  voyage ?
10. What two vegetable's names begin and end with two letters in same order?
11. Give a word of four letters which still has five left when three of them are taken away ?
12. What 7-letter name of a person uses only 3 letters ?
13. Why are days longer in summer and shorter in winter ?
14. What code message is same from left to right, right to left & upside down?
15. How many times can 16 be subtracted from 160 ?
16. If papa bull eats three bales of hay, and, baby eats one, how much would a mama bull eat ?
17. Name a dish which is not a dish?
18. What increases in its value by turning it upside down ?
19. Two men dig a hole in four days. How many days they take to dig half a hole ?
20. What is the bell that does not ring at all ?
21. Why are money and secrets both alike ?
22. What is it that is given to you alone, but used more by other people ?
23. Give a nine letter word in English, from which if any one letter is taken out, one after another till only one is left, we find everytime a meaningful word remains ?
24. What is the common characteristic among the following words ? Assess, Banana, Dresser, Grammar, Potato, Revive, Uneven, Voodoo.

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