Sunday, April 24, 2011


06/07/10; 06/14/10

" Scorn not those that be less fortunate than thee                     
In this world in wealth,  or in matters of health.                      
Have compassion for such folk, for they bear a heavier yoke.                      
God shall be kind to thee, if kind thou to them be. "                        
( 'Random Musings'   by  KMG )         

The topic today is 'Love', the noblest of emotions, in not only humans, but in all living beings.  Here are some random thoughts from different sources:     
1. Love is the universal solvent in which the ego is dissolved and annihilated. Love is the Elixir which gives the taste of Nectar Divine.  . . . KMG.    
2.  Love is a symbol of Eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning, and all fear of an end.   . . . . Madame de Stael.     
3.  You will know what Divine Love is , when you begin to feel your Oneness with every human being.  Not before !   . . . Paramahamsa Yogananda.     
4.  Love is an all-pervading fragrance of Divinity emanating from the lotus-seat of one's heart.  Let thy love embrace the entire universe itself as it were, the animate and inanimate, the flora and fauna, the micro and the macro, everything conceivable. Let thy love be as deep and vast as the Ocean.  Seek peace and solace in it. Strive and persevere until you realize the Truth Divine.   . . . .  .  .         KMG   
5.  In this life, we have three lasting qualities:  Faith, Hope, and  Love. but the greatest of them is Love.     . . .   Bible  (Corinthians)    
6.  Love does not keep record of the wrongs.      . . . .  .  .  Anon    
7.  Some people, tho nurturing deep love for the other person, do not explicitly say so.  However, it is better to have love, tho not explicitly expressed, than to profusely express it, without having it.   . . .  .  .  KMG     
8.  Love is a golden mansion in which the King of Eternity homes the entire family of creation.  At God's command, love is a mystic fire that can melt the grossness of the cosmos into the invisible substance of  Eternal Love.  Like a river, love flows continuously through  humble, sincere souls; but it bypasses the rocks of egotistic, selfish, sense-bound souls, as it cannot pass thru them. Love is an omnipresent spring with countless founts.  Droplets of love sparkle in true souls; but in Spirit alone is found the Sea of Love.  . . . . .   Anon  

" Life is a delicate art,  which if properly cultivated, is conducive to serene happiness.  The art of life consists in : how best we get on with others , whosoever they be,  and, how best we can adjust ourselves, in whatever circumstances we are placed by our Destiny " ( Spring Leaves   by  KMG ) 

     1.  Intelligence without love,  makes you  perverse.
     2.  Fairness and justness without love,  makes you inflexible and stern.
     3.  Diplomacy and tact without love,  makes you a hypocrite.
     4.  Success without love,  turns you arrogant.
     5.  Wealth without love,  makes you mean and tight-fisted.
     6.  Poverty without love,  turns one into a radical.
     7.  Beauty without love,  makes you capricious.
     8.  Authority and power without love, leads to tyrrany.
     9.  Labor without love,  turns you into a  slave.
     10. Naivity without love,  deprives you of values.
     11.  Prayer and worship without love,  turns you into an egotist.
     12. Faith without love,  turns you into a fanatic.
     13. Bearing your Cross in life without love,  becomes a terrible burden.
     14. Life without love,  loses its very meaning. 

                                             From the 'Power of Love'  by  Celine Dion.
                  ( in an e-mail fwded to me by Sri. Parthasaarathy Susarla) 

       "  Love is infinite.  It is true selflessness, true devotion, true passion ---It is about the infinite depth of human soul, and the infinite possibilities of love's light.  Love is not red, pink and white; love could perhaps be the unlimited possibilities of color within  the universe (even beyond our limited visible scope), interlaced within mankind at a particular moment. ..... It is formlessness which takes place in our metaphysical soul, over the course of unimaginable timelessness.  It is true compassion, regardless of a person's  socioeconomic class structure, and their aesthetic presence.  Love is reaching out to one's fellow beings, regardless of race, class, gender or aesthetics, and embracing one another in a moment actualizing celestial presence, beauty and splendor of universal light and truth. "                                                                                    
.....   Namit  Jain.

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