Sunday, April 24, 2011

Musings on God


 " One must be: 
      Gentle without being docile,             firm without being fanatical,

      bold without being reckless,            compromising without being subservient,
      humble without being slavish,           dignified without being boastful,
      self-respecting without being egoistic,     and,
                                     fearless,  be ever fearless !  "

                                                  ( Spring Leaves     by      KMG )

      Everyone one of us is certain and cognizant of the two entities :
1. The self embodied by our physical body, and, 
2. The entire universe outside it.

Then, the thought arises, how all this came about.  That leads to the imagination of a third entity that  created the first  two, the entity of GOD, the Creator. On no other entity has so much thought bestowed, so much investigation conducted than on God.  What is God ?  After introspecting deeply over It, thinkers all over the world, and all Religions, came to a concensus that  God has no limitations as the first two entities, and, that God is present everywhere i.e., Omnipresent, pervading everything and every being.  Is that all the qualification for God ? Then, even the sky or space, i.e., emptiness, is also all-pervasive. Can it be God ? 

      ( If a doubt were to arise whether emptiness is all-pervasive, including fluids and solids, modern Science tells us that all matter is made up of molecules, which are congregations of atoms, and that the atom itself is not a solid particle, but some electric charges revolving around an infinitismally small nuclei.Thus even the atom is emptiness !  Hence, it is emptiness that is everywhere, for all practical purposes, as we go from subtler to subtler. Is it not incredible that even solidity is an illusion ? )

      Now the  query could be:   Is 'emptiness' ( space, sky )  God ? No, it cannot be. Lifeless 'nothingness' cannot be God, who is said to have created life, and this huge complex  Universe. The so called Creator should have been a Divine Agency not only Omnipresent, but also vested with Supreme Intelligence (Gnyaana).  Hence we have to agree that emptiness or sky (signifying the quality of all-pervasiveness)  plus  Gnyaana alone, can be such a Divine Agency or God. 

      Next, when we say 'God', it usually implies a personal God, with attributes of 'name and form' i.e., 'particulars' which involve beginning, end, and change. However, a 'Changeless' Agency alone can be the Witness of all changes.  Hence, ultimately, there must be an  Impersonal, Changeless Agency that can be qualified to be an Eternal Witness.  Such a Gnyaana or Pure Consciousness alone, the One without a second,  is the concept of God, as per the Monistic School of Philosophy,and as per which, the entire  Universe, including the 'individual', is nothing but Its illusory projection,  Its 'manifestation' ! 

      Thus, God is beyond  name and form, beyond qualities and attributes, even beyond the realms of thought and intellect . . . . but, the very Base for all those ! God is Omnipresent and Omniscient (All-knowing), and hence  Omipotent, and thus is One who is  'within and without' every being and every thing whatsoever, animate or inanimate. There is nothing that is beyond God. There is nothing that is not God. " Sarvam Vishnu mayam ". 

And the most revealing and exciting thing, as per this School of Thought is,  that 'That'  Supreme Consciousness  is you and I, and not outside you and I ! 

" Aham Brahmaasmi ".  Because, how can the All-Inclusive Divinity,  exclude  you and I  ?

      Well, these are some musings on that most elusive word  'God' .

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