Sunday, April 24, 2011



 " People often fret and fume over differences they encounter in their  social relationships with others.  But the beauty of life lies in recognizing the sheer inevitability of such differences, and trying to reconcile with them "  ( Spring  Leaves    by    KMG )

       "Sachchidanand"  is a very usual name that we come across. Individuals have that name, as also Asrams and Institutions. However, we treat it casually as any other name. But, if we were to analyze and reflect upon its meaning, it has a deep significance, revealing itself as the very capsule of Advaitic concept and philosophy. If we can understand the full deeper import of this familiar word, we would indeed be much closer to the realization of the very supreme goal and objective of our life.  
The word is made up of three components. Sut + Chit + Ananda.  Let us understand the significance of these three components :  

       Sut (letter 'u' pronounced as in  'ruth') means 'Existence'. Now we have to focus on the subtle difference between 'Existence', and the allied words: 'existing' and 'existent'. We say 'I am existing', 'You are existing', 'That Himalaya mountain is existing', 'This machine is existing', and so on. The common factor in all these innumerable statements, is the word 'existing'. However, all these are 'particularities' (called Visesha-s in philosophical parlance). These come, bloom for a while and, at sometime or other, disappear. That which is born, has to die. Anything produced would perish at some stage or other. Thus, all things physically 'existing', have a beginning and an end. But, the generalized,  universalized concept ('Saamaanya' in philosophical language) of the pure abstract 'Existence' is eternal, beyond name and form, beyond qualities and attributes. 'Existing' is not 'Nitya, Niranjana, Niraakaara and Nirvikalpa', but 'Existence' is all that. That abstract 'Existence' is 'Sut'. 
Just as, we see colors of red, green, blue etc., which can be smeared, changed or removed, a physical activity. But, even if none of them are there ( or even if be there ), the pure abstract concept of just 'Color', would ever be there.

       Just as, fragrances of rose, jasmine, lavender, or lily etc., can be physically  very much experienced. But, even without any of them, the concept of 'Fragrance' would be ever existing. 

        Next, consider 'Chit'. This implies 'Consciousness', 'Awareness',  'Gnyaana'. A thing exists for me only if I 'know' that it exists. That 'Awareness' ('Spriha' in Vedantic language), which indicates the 'Existence', is 'Chit', the 'Knowledge of Existence'. This universal 'Existence + Consciousness' alone is the Supreme Entity that envelopes all and everything, including the 'individual', the 'Universe' and even the 'Personal God'. That Supreme Entity alone is stated to be Eternal, Omnipresent, Omniscient and hence Omnipotent, the 'One without a second' or 'Advaita'. There is nothing outside and apart from It that can cause any sorrow. Hence, That is the very embodiment of  'Ananda'. 'That' indeed is one's  True Nature. That bliss is the still placid lake, into which are thrown the pebbles and stones of 'anxiety, miseries and sorrows' of various types, and make the water turbulent and disturbed. 

        The above is the amplification of the word 'Sachichidananda'. And the beauty and significance of Advaita is that it states: 'That 'That' is you yourself !  'That' is you  and you are 'That', which can be 'realized' thru intense introspection and reflection '.  One is not merely confined to one's mere body, mind and intellect, not a mere bird that is encaged, not that little ego, that small chip of ice frozen thru ignorance, but, the very vast  expanse of the Ocean itself. Not the tiny speck, but the very Divinity Itself. That is what Advaita and our Scriptures say, revelations made millinea back, which even today we are still struggling to decipher them, let alone imbibing, assimilating and experiencing them, despite all the terrific, incredible 'advances' made !  

        Well, that is something about  "Sachichidananda".

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