Sunday, April 3, 2011

Some recent Musings


Omkaaram Bindu samyuktham
Nithyam dhhyaayanthi Yoginah
Kaamadam Moakshadam chaiva
Omkaaraaya namo namaha !

( Om, the sacred syllable, related to the sacred Dot the Bindu,
is daily and ever meditated upon by Yogis, and is the fulfiller of
all desires, and also leading to Salvation, freedom from all wordly
bondages and fetters.To such an Omkaaram, I offer my humble
salutations )

Hello Everyone ! Sukravaaram Suprabhaath !

Here are some of my recent musings :

The one colorless invisible sunlight splits into the gorgeous spectrum
of widely different colors as it traverses the prism. So also, the One
Supreme Divinity projects Itself into the multifarious diversity, the
innumerable attributes and qualities, names and forms etc., as It traverses
the human mind (also Its very own illusory creation ! )
* * *
The best book in the world is world itself, and
the best counsel one's own conscience !
* * *
Whereas pleasure results from the fulfilment of desires, happiness is
absence of desire (includes expectation). The duration of happiness is
the duration of desirelessness. Desire makes mind flutter; happiness and
restlessness do not co-exist.
* * *
There is an inherent thrill and fascination in appearing as not oneself
but someone else. This is a deep-rooted instinct in creation itself. There
is thrill in acting, in talking, behaving and looking like someone else, hiding
one's own identity. Thrill in mimicry. Thrill in being a playback artist or
dubbing other's voices. Thus a natural pleasure in appearing or sounding
as someone else. This aspect in creation has its roots in the Supreme
Creator Himself, Who also seems to revel in appearing in a myriad mani-
festations concealing His true Self; but here, the most amazing and
almost incredible truth being that the actor, the stage and the audience
are all rolled into One !
* * *
Our happiness and our needs are inversely proportional to each other!
* * *
Diversity is the very stamp and characteristic of creation. Diversity in
hues, temperaments, tastes, modes of activities, sensitivities, responses,
likes and dislikes, ideas and ideals etc., in humans,
diversity in colors, forms and shapes, instincts and activities in the flora
and fauna, and all the grand exhibitions of nature and universe.
But wisdom lies in understanding that all diversities emerge from Unity,
the One Eternal Existence, and are Its infinite expressions. Unity is the only
Reality. Diversities are appearances, mere illusions, fleeting and ephemeral.
* * *
However frightful or distressing a dream might be, it has no effect
whatsoever on one waking up! So also, all the frights, perils and sorrows,
even in the awakened state of one's actual life, are said to affect not the
enlightened soul that becomes immune to any stimuli whatsoever.
* * *
Death should be thought of as just a wave merging with the sea
whence it came.
* * *
As long as you link happiness with persons, beings, things, events and
situations, know that such happiness is shallow, unstable and likely to
disappear sooner or later. True and abiding happiness is unconditional, and
unaffected by extraneous factors.
* * *
When youy are obsessed with worry, just think over - - - - -
Realise that whatever has happened HAS happened.
If something CAN be done presently, let it BE done.
Whatever will happen WILL happen.
Know that there is an inscrutable Divine Plan that oversees everything.
Why not RECONCILE to IT ? Why worry ?
* * *
An early morning prayer:

Oh Lord! Bless us with intellect, knowledge and wisdom, ability, intelligence
and keen memory. Protect us tenderly care with Thy kind and merciful looks.
Endow us with sound health and abundant energy, and make us fit
instruments for selfless service to fellow beings. Bestow on us auspiciousness
and good fortune. Ensure that we swerve not from truth, righteousness,
right speech, benevolent attitude and good conduct. Grant us patience and
perseverance, equanimity and peace of mind. Grant us success in all our tests
and challenges in life. Let our minds be ever engrossed in Thy thoughts.
Oh Lord! Bless us with Eternal Wisdom and Enduring Bliss !

Next is one of my poems entitled 'Eternal Witness' from 'Random Musings'

Me Lord, to the world ever I tell
My successes, not my failures,
My good deeds, not my sins.
To all around, I conceal
My struggles and my fears,
My weaknesses and my despairs,
The dark and gloomy moments --
With the flickering candle of Faith,
My only hope and saviour.
I tell not the world
Of my pangs and my strifes,
But ever show the brighter side.

But me Lord! Can I ever dare
To conceal from Thee
A single moment of my life?
Even a single thought that sprouts?
I am what Thou made me.
Will be what Thou wisheth ---
But ever pray to be
A better being than hath been.
Oh, bless me with Thy Grace !

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